Unlocking principle and unlocking service Unlocking technology: the lock as the key


Unlocking principle and unlocking service Unlocking technology : the lock as the key

The technique of making the key from the lock is very popular among Japanese locksmiths, and it has almost become a compulsory course for professional locksmiths. In the era when ordinary single-sided marble locks basically monopolized the market, many older locksmiths in my country also made keys at the lock.

At that time, there were few types of locks, and dark matching was relatively easy. Now there are many varieties of locks, but in a certain area, the varieties of locks are relatively fixed. This is, it is easy for the lock to be the key. Making a key from a lock is not only a skill, it can also greatly improve efficiency and give customers a sense of superb craftsmanship.

Ordinary marble lock:

A probe with an engraving, the front end is bent into a 40-degree hook, the hook height is 2MM, and the end face of the hook is slightly concave. Mark the tooth position for engraving. A hook angle of less than 40 degrees is used to deal with very shallow teeth behind deep teeth. Judgment of tooth depth: The judgment of the tooth depth of the first tooth is particularly important, and it is usually used as a reference for other tooth depths later. The key slot in the lock cylinder is also an excellent basis for judging tooth depth. Get the tooth depth and tooth position, choose the correct key blank, and success is in sight. After preliminary practice, you should switch to an ordinary pick, which can enhance the perception of tooth height in your hand. After you are proficient, you should know the basic tooth type in the process of opening it. At this time, it will be easier to match the key secretly.

Interpretation of the lock of the car film lock:

Like most car locks, it feels very good, and it can be matched without unlocking, and as long as you master the strength and coordination, it can be displayed by swiping from the inside to the outside. Of course, the most accurate one is to visit one by one. On the contrary to the marble lock, many need to be opened before matching, especially the cross lock and the computer key lock.

Some car locks can read the tooth type directly from the lock without opening, and the required equipment is also simple. — — Light source, cleaning agent, probes, locks. 4 teeth depth is the easiest, and the difficulty increases as the teeth depth increases. Position the datum based on the left and right tick slots of the key. Generally, it can be mastered after careful observation of 2-3 locks.

The best way to match the dark match lies in the perception of the lock teeth. The drop between the curved groove and the marble hinders the visual perception, and the hand feel becomes particularly important. Due to the standardization of data for common car locks, dark matching becomes relatively easy.

Because of its non-standard and variety, the marble lock increases the difficulty of reference for dark matching. At this time, the detection of hand feeling becomes the only basis.

Therefore, if a practicing friend wants to master the dark matching skills proficiently, he must go through a period of hard practice to detect the depth of the teeth.

Golden dot atomic car lock opening and dark matching (local method) 100%

Use a tool to hold the horizontal insert to unlock. Use an electric drill and a 1.5MM drill bit to align the third tooth of the horizontal piece and drill through it until it just touches the horizontal insert. Use a steel needle to touch the hook of the horizontal insert to point the beads. The top of the horizontal piece is in place, and then insert the key blank with the slot in the middle and twist it gently in the unlocking direction. If you do not need to remove the lock cylinder, the same is true for drilling holes in the overall lock. It is also easy to draw a line and drill the hole. The opening feeling is the same as disassembling the lock cylinder. In a row, four waste locks were also opened, including cylinders and cubes. Just different depths. After opening, seal the eye with a fuse wire and level it. The 1.5MM small eye is difficult to see with the naked eye and does not affect the appearance.

After opening the lock, you can see the height of three or four marbles under strong light, and the most important thing is to find the deep tooth at the position. Use the same type of lock key as the reference and tooth height. As for the one or two shallow teeth that cannot be seen, it should be easy to check the number, and it will be fixed after a few repairs.


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