When Girls Are Money: A Sociologist's Undercover Report on the Global Social Circle of the Ultra-Rich

The author of this book is a New York University sociology Ph.D., a former fashion model who turned himself into a "girl" in order to study gender, race, and class issues. Write this luxury drama co-starred by rich people, public relations, and girls.
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The author of this book is a New York University sociology Ph.D., a former fashion model who turned himself into a "girl" in order to study gender, race, and class issues. Write this luxury drama co-starred by rich people, public relations, and girls.


In short, it is an occasion where the rich can gain social status and create class through extravagant and wasteful ways of dispersing wealth, and even destroy and destroy precious items just for the pleasure of destruction. Usually such occasions are also a very important part of business transactions, but this feast requires the collective efforts of all people to be able to perform together. The subordination and dominance between these characters will be revealed to the reader.

about cool people

Who are the cool people in the VIP nightclub? Among them, girls are the most important ones. However, the definition of girls is not simply to have a good face and a good figure, but to pursue the level of fashion models, young, tall (over 175 cm in height), extremely thin, and beautiful. If you don’t meet the standards for your style and dress, you will be immediately blocked at the door, and you will even be humiliated. Such strict standards are not without reason, but the more advanced the nightclub is, the more qualified girls are needed to enter the venue in order to attract Rich people who want to show off their wealth to consume, this is the so-called " girl capital ".

As for how to find so many beauties at the same time? The key person is public relations. In addition to attractive looks and excellent eloquence, public relations must also put in a lot of physical and emotional labor to deal with girls for a long time, trying to make their relationship feel like friends rather than reality. The money exchange relationship not only needs to take care of the girls' needs during the day, but even has PR to provide housing for models from all over the world who want to fulfill their dreams, but at the cost of having to show up with the PR four nights a week. VIP nightclubs, and they are guaranteed to stay until three in the morning. The benefit that girls can get is that as long as they show up, there will be an endless stream of free delicacies and drinks. Of course, all of this is paid by the rich, and the public relations will take a commission from it. , When a public relations person can continue to bring girls with both quality and quality to the scene, of course, it can bring considerable income for himself.

Mutually beneficial money game

This is a feast attended by the rich, public relations, and girls. In fact, everyone has their own plans. Most of the girls want to expand their contacts. At the same time, it is also because girls usually cannot pay the bill for the delicious food at luxury parties. , so I attended with the mentality of eating for free.

And the rich also use this to show their wealth to establish their social status. After all, the beautiful experience of being surrounded by beautiful women is the envy of other mortals. What they enjoy is a symbol of power . As for the appearance of these beautiful women As gorgeous as fireworks but fleeting, it will not leave a deep memory in the rich minds, because these girls can be replaced at any time.

According to the author's survey, there are a large number of male public relations who have not graduated from college, and they are not rich (belonging to the middle and lower classes), so they can earn a lot of money by engaging in public relations, and they also think that they are close to these Rich people can make themselves on the road to prosperity, but in the eyes of the rich, they simply cannot think of investing in other careers in PR. To put it bluntly, the relationship established with each other is just that PR has the ability to bring these beauties to spend a good night together!

The paradox of pleasure and contempt

It seems that the guests and the host enjoy each other and take what they need. In fact, in the hearts of these participating characters, they all understand that this is just a play of games, work, and exchange of interests. It is very contemptuous. They think that girls who come out to play at night are definitely not good girls, and most of them think that they are ignorant. When they really want to choose a partner or marriage partner, they prefer to choose women with legitimate jobs and knowledge, girls. The roles in the feast are like chess pieces and playthings, and it also shows the male-dominated social class system.

I think it is very interesting that when we really explore these people's words, deeds and thoughts about themselves at the feast, they will try to understate it, as if the money exchange relationship is very superficial once it is broken, and it seems that they are very worthless, so the rich always Not admitting their extravagance, the girls also said that they really thought the party was fun, while the male PRs hated being called "PR" and preferred to be called "consultants" or something like that.

The party never stops

The author said that VIP nightclubs are a product of the era of democratization and extreme wealth globalization. "Women's ownership" is one of the most important means for men to show their status . There is also a relationship of domination. Marginalized men benefit from and enjoy the emotional and aesthetic labor of men.

The author has thoroughly documented his 18-month investigation. The monetary role represented by the girl is discreetly hidden and transformed into status, social connections, and lucrative business through the VIP nightclub scene. In trading, everyone has their own dreams, and they also need to play each other perfectly in their respective roles. As for the result, there is no guarantee! The only certainty is that this particular mode of economic flow will continue, but the way it is presented may change over time.

Finally, interested friends can look at the content of the author's interview. (Sure enough, you have to be pretty enough to be able to go undercover!)


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