words for friends

from unsplash

When I was traveling, I happened to have an in-depth conversation with a friend. In fact, because of some incidents, my friend just didn’t have confidence in me, so I suddenly wanted to write a text for my friends and those who were not confident enough about me. people~~

In fact, everyone is unique. Even if you do nothing, everyone is worthy of happiness and love. Love itself is unconditional. Living is a miracle. You don’t need to work hard to get everything. When you get all the abundance, everything you need will come to you. What you don't get, you don't need it, so let go, let go of those beliefs that limit your happiness, and let go of those things that you think you can't get to be happy.

It doesn't really need anything, it's a miracle to be alive. Happiness is not far away, in this moment, in any moment when you think you are unhappy. Those happy distances are not happiness, but obsessions. Those obsessions cover their eyes and make people unable to see the beauty and happiness of the moment.

At this moment, everyone has everything they need and is always surrounded by abundance, but people tend to focus only on the point of lack, so they try their best to fill the lack that doesn't exist , but never thought that scarcity is just a mirage, so it will never fill the scarcity that never existed.

Just remember, at this moment, everyone is very happy and rich, without effort or other conditions, they are all worthy of being loved.


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開掛人生☕️ https://liker.land/abundance/civic(贊助我) 恭喜你,看到我的文章代表你要開掛了XD 大家好,我是abundancelife 開掛人生! 藉由寫作體驗無限大的人生。
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給自己一個gap year

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