Lou Ye: "Movies will help us remember ourselves and our times."


Lou Ye's new film "An Unfinished Film" made its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. During the applause session after the screening, Chinese fans shouted in Chinese , "Lou Ye, you are the greatest director in China!" and "Lou Ye is awesome!"

South China Morning Post commented on Lou Ye's new film "An Unfinished Film" in Cannes: "It strongly condemns the excessive interference of the state in personal life and also praises the resilience shown by the people.

CinecittàNews interviewed Lou Ye in Cannes, France, and talked about his new film "An Unfinished Film": "This is something I had to do. We have had these things in our lives for a long time. I think the film has not found a very good language to present them. We tried to face these things this time. These things are somewhat anti-movie and do not conform to the rules, but they exist in life. I hope to keep the situation at that time in the film, including those very silly things, very stupid things, very happy things and very sad things."

" They are correct histories, the histories we have collectively experienced. But they have not been mentioned for a long, long time, so that when I saw them on the big screen instead of on my phone, I had a huge sense of unreality and asked myself: Is this something I can watch? I also felt like I had been kneeling for so long that I couldn't remember what it felt like to stand."

In addition to director Lou Ye, there are many other directors who have used images to record this history.

Just like the words on the poster of "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind": "Movies will help us remember ourselves and our times."

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