[Poem] "Jupiter and the Goldfish"

This story tells us that as long as you are willing to open...
Once upon a time there was a Jupiter,
It often spins alone,
One day, a goldfish broke in
its trajectory.

So the tornado started,
so scattered,

So the fireworks are in full bloom,
The world has never been the same.

This story tells us,
As long as you are willing to open...

 Once upon a time there was a Jupiter,
It often spins alone,
One day, a goldfish broke into its trajectory.
So the tornado started,
so scattered,
So the fireworks are in full bloom,
The world has never been the same.
This story tells us,
As long as you are willing to open...
Gravity By Sarah 2019

Continue to move, and every time I look back at my previous works, I feel different.

As if at this moment I have become a reader.

Looking back at the emotions at that time, the thoughts at that time,

Who was it then?

Turns out I was able to let go.

This series of flower and ink works turned out to be my medicine.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

小狗朱宥遐想飛你好,我叫Sarah。在這裡我想分享,透過每一次與現象學派表達藝術的接觸,探索生命,創造自己存在的脈絡的故事。 剛剛開始學習「去中心化」這一個名詞 ,驚訝地發現此概念在治療model上的可塑性,希望多多研究! 最愛花道與詩。
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