【October Ink Revolution】🎊Award Ceremony🎊

sprinkle flowers~

🎊October ink revolution is over! 🎊

As of the award ceremony, a total of 211 submissions have been received, and 20 painters participated.

On September 30th, the day I launched the campaign:

As of today, my liquidity has 8600 LIKE. There may be changes when the awards are judged by the end of October——

By the end of the event on October 31st, my liquidity had risen to 18,700 LIKE!!!!

At the beginning, I held this event just because I planned to paint, and I wanted to take the opportunity to see who there are painters in Matt City, and it would be more motivating to draw together. The event is held for private purposes, and I don't know how many people will participate, but I feel that as long as there are two or three people playing together, it will be good. Fortunately, everyone’s enthusiasm is very high, and they have also received @Matty and @颖欣 bonuses and site promotion——

I received so many LIKEs within a month, all because the citizens of Matt City used their love to generate electricity and participated in this great event~!

Then according to the rules of the event, if there are 20 contributors, all the 18,700 LIKE will be used as bonuses! ! !

Special statement: Since it is a private award, the judging process inevitably has my personal subjective feelings, and there will be some inconsiderations; the establishment of the award is also adjusted according to everyone's participation. Please don't get too entangled in the bonus amount and article data. After all, painting is my own business, the most important thing is to participate and have fun!

Next, let's take a look at the awards~

👑October Ink Revolution Grand Prize👑

The grand prize for the October Ink Revolution is going to @罗洛.


Luo Luo's pastel paintings, watercolor paintings, electric paintings - all the paintings that need to be colored - are already very proficient in drawing, but every October, she will find out the stylus pen and scrutinize the lines stroke by stroke The art of painting. Don't stick to your comfort zone, have the courage to try techniques you are not familiar with, and learn from them. Her articles often include thoughts on illustration skills, and she also shares her own drawing process and some tips . I also learned a lot from the electric drawing bamboo fungus earlier~ In the process of continuous improvement, While summing up the experience, it will also help other people who learn to paint. This award is first of all to thank her for sharing her experience!

She likes to say in her articles, "I will come back when I become stronger...", and you can see from her persistent posting that she will really become more and more powerful-I have drawn it seriously Even if my paintings will not be included in my portfolio in the end, they will still be the nutrients for my growth! In short, from Luo Luo's article, we can see a figure who keeps moving forward step by step for his dream. The award is also a tribute to her unafraid to surpass herself. Luo Luo said that she once dreamed of working in the publishing industry; let us look forward to the day when she publishes picture books!

Issue 4000 LIKE as a reward.

🏋🏻‍♀️ Better Yourself Award 🏋🏻‍♀️

Going above and beyond is @CuriousLulu. I went out to sketch with Lulu once or twice, and she didn't know how to draw at first, and she waited to see how I painted. After mentioning it a few times, her learning was extremely strong, and she went to find a lot of tutorials by herself. Looking at her pictures from the first day to the last day, the progress is really great. 1600 LIKE is issued as encouragement, please continue to work hard!

🧑‍🎨 Experience Sharing Award 🧑‍🎨

@TCLin’s painting time is good at realism, including figures, landscapes, and still life; carbon lead, color lead, watercolor, oil painting... are very skilled. His posts usually have very detailed painting steps , which is a very good teaching package for those who learn to paint! I personally benefited a lot from watching him paint portraits . Issue 1600 LIKE, thank you for sharing!

🧐 Technology Inquiry Award 🧐

According to @Joanna herself , she used to paint more in oils, but this time, she picked up watercolor paints with a very relaxed and open mind. In the beginning, it was inevitable to paint watercolors with the habit of oil painting, but as the ten paintings were drawn slowly, I was not afraid of failure and had the courage to try. Finally, I drew very textured Icelandic sea parrots and Icelandic landscape bookmarks . (Anyone who is familiar with Joanna should know that Iceland is her true love...Is it because Taiwan is too hot? 😝) Bonus 1600 LIKE.

@swiftevo One of the most well-known titles in Matt City is probably the director of the Space Museum. Created an NFT museum, and his own creations are not behind. Swift, who claims to not be able to draw, began to use Disco Diffusion's artificial intelligence to draw, and used the October Ink Revolution to create a set of NFTs for Pakistani flood relief . What is Disco Difusion? You ask me, I don't know... just watched this YouTube video to understand. I personally like this one very much, it is a bit like Wuzhen in the south of the Yangtze River in the last days . This painting called Wisdom is very impactful, and the story behind it is also very interesting. Swift shows us the possibility of AI painting craft, bonus 1600 LIKE .

🦋 Style Award 🦋

When I held the event early in the morning, I only thought of setting up progress awards, technology awards and sharing awards, but after reading the manuscripts for this event, I think it is necessary to set up a style award . The following three painters have outstanding personal styles, each with 1000 LIKE :

@Lili's French Daily Journal is good at drawing warm and small things in life. He is an illustrator who runs his own fan page and publishes picture books. Being in France, from her paintings, she can feel that she is surrounded by beautiful things every day—or in other words, she has a pair of eyes that discover beauty. I am very happy to have Lili's contribution for this Ink Revolution! Before participating in the event, she shared a lot of electronic drawing illustrations ; for this event, she chose to use a stylus pen to draw, drawing many small shops with French characteristics . Everyone, go and watch!

C.Planitia 's watercolor paintings have a warm feeling, which is very delicate and careful, drawn stroke by stroke. Her pictures often have the feeling of a story scene. I personally like her last picture. In the train carriage slowly moving along the coastline, the commuting animals have their own thoughts. After reading the draft she contributed to the story creation of Lian Shang Bookstore , I suddenly understood why her paintings have such a sense of story!

@喵路 At the beginning, I used gelatin prints to record some very abstract dreams , and I am very familiar with the grasp of colors and patterns. Later, I drew some sketches, and I feel that whether it is electronic drawing or pencil , figure or still life , the ability to shape lines is very sophisticated. In terms of personal style, although it is not as stable as the previous two, it feels like it has great potential. Waiting for your series!

🧗‍♀️ Participation Award 🧗‍♀️

Thank you to the following people for their enthusiastic participation, providing many different painting perspectives for this event! 600 LIKE per person:

@芝红猫 is a well-known artist in Matt City, and I often see POAP NFTs drawn by her in the "Suffix" magazine activities organized by the editor-in-chief of@Jeger. I am very happy to receive her submission this time! Sesame Cat works slowly to produce fine goods, and in addition to writing a graduation thesis recently and having to work part-time, the progress of painting is slower. For example, this exquisite partial drawing is still whetting our appetite until now! Under such a busy academic schedule, she still shared with us some of her past paintings, as well as some experience of painting with children. It is not easy to make a career in art, please take care!

In the past, I only knew @蒟蒻鱼 was good at writing. She wrote about the trivial things in daily life (gossip about the Taichung election) with gusto, and when she wrote about serious and sad things (poetry and freedom), she also had a hint of indifference and optimism. The explosion of her paintings this time is a worthwhile event - her submission is not so much a painting as a love letter to her relatives who are about to travel far away. Ten small bookmarks drawn by myself, accompanied by ten letters of earnest advice, so that others will be encouraged to read them.

@si良 often says that painting creation is a kind of healing for me. The hardships of life, the pressure of work, and the threat of plague infection often make people depressed. The process of painting makes people relax, and in the concentration without utilitarianism, people find the power of peace. I recommend her introduction to Zentangle painting .

@毛毳 An artist who focuses on the modeling of electronically drawn characters, draws many fan comics, and shares poems from time to time. I recommend this article . Although it is just a practice sketch, it can be seen that the painting style is sophisticated.

@双羽精 also mainly focuses on electric painting, dabbles in landscapes, characters, and cartoon animals, and tries a variety of different styles and themes. Although this article on Twitter is not a contribution to the October Revolution, it is a summary of the past year's work .

@Carol.W has organized painting activities in Matt City before, and I often share (crooked) poems with pictures. I am a very interesting painter. I personally like this Miss Rubik's Cube , the color and composition have a nostalgic feeling.

@MeewI feel like a painter who is relatively closed in his own world, and has no desire to have a dialogue. Looking at her occasional pencil drawings , there is a sense of humor in the house. I personally like this one too. Thank you for still insisting on sending out 10 submissions in the end.

@Kun Hua WU/Illustration/Creation/GourmetThe style is very stable. This month, he mainly focuses on the theme of Halloween. Although they are all sketches created within an hour with a ballpoint pen , it can be seen that he is very good at modeling cartoon characters Familiar, the composition of illustrations is also clear. It is also because of this that the pattern can be drawn in such a short period of time with almost no drafts!

Honorable Mention

@Red @arandomguy @路娜@ewonFor various reasons, these people did not draw 10 pictures, but it is precisely because of their contribution and participation that the amount of the final prize pool has been increased. Therefore , 100 LIKE is encouraged for each player.

Special thanks to @Red红哥, who actively interacted with other contestants from the beginning of the event, and gave rewards everywhere from his own pocket, which increased the popularity of the event and encouraged other participants. The Ambassador guests can not be overstated. Add 100 LIKE. Brother Hong is active in the community and interacts with various parties. He himself likes photography, ancient poetry, calligraphy, and secretly confesses his love to his wife on Matters. It is an account worthy of attention! 😆

The event is over, see you next year Luo!

Hey, has it been agreed that there will be next year?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!