Elements of Greek mythology implied in the Harry Potter series

Harry Potter

British author J.K. Rowling 's Harry Potter series of magical novels has caused a worldwide magic frenzy since its launch. As one of the important contents of Western culture, Greek mythology has had a profound impact on Western culture. Many aspects of the novel contain elements of Greek mythology. This paper mainly analyzes the hidden elements of Greek mythology from the characters and storylines in the novel.

As the most successful popular novels and children's books in the 21st century, the seven-part series of Harry Potter novels created by British author J.K. Rowling have swept the world, bringing readers into the magical world with wonderful imagination. As a fantasy novel, the novel creates a magical wizarding world. The author integrates many mythological elements from the East and the West into the novel, including Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Arabic mythology, etc. Ancient Greek civilization is the cradle of Western civilization. Mythology occupies a very important position in European culture and has a profound impact. This article will discuss the role of ancient Greek mythology in Harry Potter from two aspects: the Greek mythological elements contained in the characters in the novel and the Greek mythological characteristics reflected in the plot. Elements of Greek mythology implicit in the series.

1. Elements of Greek mythology in Harry Potter characters

1.1. Name the characters of Greek mythology as a metaphor for the character color of the novel

The gods in ancient Greek mythology have distinct personalities, which have long been imprinted in people's impressions, and have even become well-known common words, and their names represent certain characteristics. In the Harry Potter series of novels, there are also many impressive and distinct characters, some of which are named after the characters of Greek mythology, and the characteristics of mythological characters are given to these characters.

Hermione Granger, one of the three protagonists of the novel, is derived from ancient Greek mythological characters and is the only daughter of the Spartan kings Menelaus and Helen. She is wise but arrogant and unloved. Hermione Granger's character is also the same. The existence of the "brain tank" among the partners is also the brightest student in the school, but because of his arrogant personality, he has few friends, which is very similar to the character characteristics of Greek mythological characters.

There is also a less likeable character in the novel, Argus Filch, Argus is a monster with a thousand eyes in Greek mythology and has a strong sense of vigilance. In the Harry Potter series of novels, Argus Filch is such a character. As a Squib (a person who came from a magical family but does not know magic), he lives and works in a school full of magic. He is pessimistic, world-weary, and has a lot of Strong vigilance, like to stare at the students' actions all day long, eager to find the mistakes of the students and punish the students, the character of the character will have the meaning of a thousand-eyed monster vividly displayed.

There are also many characters in the novel, such as the dean of Gryffindor College Minerva McGonagall, the school's prophecy professor Sybill Trelawney, etc. are named from the characters of Greek mythology.

1.2. Magic shaping borrows elements from Greek mythology

In the Harry Potter series of novels, in this magical magical world, in addition to all kinds of wizards and wonderful spells, there are also all kinds of magical magical creatures, such as flying dragons, three-headed dogs, and basilisks. , unicorns, giants, etc., and from these magical biological clocks can be shadows of Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, there is a three-headed dog Cerberus who guards the gates of the underworld. Poisonous saliva drips from his mouth and a dragon tail is on his lower body. In the story, Orpheus uses the harp in his hand to make him sleep and rescue his wife. In the first story of the Harry Potter novel, " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ", there is also such a dog with three heads, as one of the levels to guard the treasure, guarding a door, also playing with The harp can make it pass out.

In " Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ", the second book in the Harry Potter series, there is a secret room in the school legend. There is a basilisk in the secret room, and it will be killed if you see its eyes, only the descendants of Slytherin To open the Chamber of Secrets, release the Basilisk, and kill the Muggles in the school. The story unfolded from then on, and many petrification incidents revolved around the basilisk. According to legend, there is also a famous Gorgon Medusa in Greek mythology. Anyone who looks directly into her eyes will be petrified.

2. The characteristics of Greek mythology reflected in the plots of Harry Potter novels

2.1. The values of heroism full of Greek mythology

There are many heroes in Greek mythology, and it is these heroic stories that are the most attractive. Most of these heroes are of good origin, full of strength and wisdom, full of adventurous spirit, and do not succumb to fate. Such as the heroic character Achilles (Achilles), the son of the sea goddess Thetis and the mortal hero Peleus, the most powerful hero in the Trojan War, turning the Greek coalition into victory. In the Harry Potter series of novels, he successfully created the "boy who survived", the heroic image of Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world. Harry Potter's character prototype comes from Achilles, his mother is from the Muggle world who doesn't understand magic, and his paternal family is the descendant of the third of the three brothers who are said to have the Deathly Hallows, and at the same time inherit the family's holy relic— ——The Invisibility Cloak, although a civilian hero, has a good background and a prominent family. Harry Potter's growth also has the characteristics of a typical Greek mythological hero. His experience is different from ordinary people. He was killed by an enemy at the beginning of his birth, his parents died, and he relied on the protection of his mother's love to defeat Lord Voldemort, the biggest enemy of the wizarding world, which is doomed to be a hero. the way. In the process of growing up, he encountered many difficulties and dangers, and suffered from ill-fated fate. He was burdened with huge prestige and heavy pressure. He could also grow up healthily step by step. He was full of adventurous spirit and extraordinary courage. Duel power to turn the tide and defeat the enemy.

2.2. The concept of destiny full of Greek mythology fatalism

In ancient Greek mythology, fate is uncontrollable, and both gods and people are dominated by fate, which is the point of view of fatalism. A typical story is the tragic figure in Greek mythology, Oedipus, although he tried his best to get rid of his fate and resisted unyieldingly, he could not change it, and finally committed the crime of murdering his father and marrying his mother. In the Harry Potter series of novels, it is also full of fatalism. The beginning of the story is that the villain of the novel, Lord Voldemort, got half of the information predicted by Sybill Trelawney, a professor of prophecy, was born in a family that had defeated the Dark Lord three times, was born in the seventh month, and judged his destiny. Get rid of fate, break the prophecy, choose to kill Harry Potter, but when casting the death curse, the magic of love that was cast by Harry Potter's mother at the cost of her life bounced back the spell, causing the death curse to bite back on herself , destroyed the flesh, and thus began the fateful confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort. The key to the prophecy lies in his own choice. There are other people who meet the first two conditions of the prophecy, Neville Longbottom. It was Lord Voldemort who chose Harry Potter and regarded him as a rival, and finally went to the end according to fate. In every story of the Harry Potter series, although the school has Albus Dumbledore with the most powerful magic ability, every time he has a final confrontation with Lord Voldemort is his fateful enemy Harry Potter. Although Harry Potter is a student, magic The ability and power are very weak, but every time, with luck, wisdom and love, he can defeat Lord Voldemort again and again, until the final battle of life and death, kill Lord Voldemort and win the final victory. The prophecy is finally fulfilled, and one must die at the hands of the other. This is the fate of the two of them, and they can only complete their mission according to the arrangement of fate.

2.3. Character descriptions full of the same-sex characteristics of gods and men in Greek mythology

The biggest feature of Greek mythology is that gods and humans are of the same nature. Gods not only possess human bodies, but also possess various human emotions and character characteristics. Many gods are not perfect and unattainable, and possess many human shortcomings, such as love for pleasure, Jealousy, revenge, etc. Zeus is the father of the gods, but his lecherous nature left the deepest impression on people. He has many wives and many lovers, which often arouses the jealous queen Hera, who persecutes rivals and their children. , and even bring disaster to mankind. The same is true of the characters in the Harry Potter series. Everyone is not perfect and has various shortcomings. The most representative is the headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore, in the image of the previous works, is a powerful saint with wisdom, kindness, humor and other characteristics, and is deeply loved by readers. But in the continuous development of the story, his characters are also constantly enriched, and the gray areas of his personality are constantly emerging. He was full of desire for power in his youth, and his pursuit of power even led to the death of his sister, which made the second half of his life full of guilt and regret. He cared and loved Harry Potter like an elder, but in order to eventually destroy Lord Voldemort, he did not hesitate to use Harry Potter. Many characters in the novel are like this. They are not perfect people, but they have a vivid and touching story, which makes this work more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Greek mythology has a history of thousands of years, but it still has immortal vitality. It is a part of the world's cultural treasures, and it is also the inspiration and source of many Western literary works. Harry Potter series of novels from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" to "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", " Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ", " Harry Potter and the The Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows perfectly combine reality and magic. Combined, it gives the vitality of the times to the ancient myths and legends, gives readers sufficient imagination space, triggers a trend, and is also worth learning.

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