Looking at the present from ancient stories

Tremble at the implication in the story of actions to control and destroy disobedient people.

Mr. Zhu, no one paid attention to my story yesterday~

It seems that no one is interested in this aspect of the story...

But even so, Xiaolu will still tell the other half of the story today!
(That’s how willful~)

Nagasaki Night Harbor taken by a friend

The prototype of yesterday's story should be the story of Jixiang Tianmu.

Wasn't there a father in yesterday's story who looked irrational and couldn't teach his children?
In Tibetan stories, the Auspicious Heavenly Mother is a mother who doesn’t know how to speak….

The story goes something like this (the story is mainly taken from Wiki):

Bandan Lhamo, the patron goddess of the Jokhang Temple, has three daughters.

When the youngest daughter Bethesda refused to help her mother catch lice, her mother cursed her with "rats crawling on her body from now on." Later, Bethesda actually had a bunch of mice around her...but luckily it was a cuter white mouse... , In the future, the white mouse also became the protector of Bai Lashemu.

The second daughter, Dongzanjemu, always talked back, and her mother cursed her to "go begging for food on the roadside from now on." Later, Dongzanjemu became the patron saint of Barkhor Street, a lively street in Lhasa. Dongzanjemu was painted on a stone at the southeast corner. , living on donations from passers-by.

The eldest daughter, Goddess Bailan, indulged herself, and her mother cursed her: "You will never find a husband in your life! Even if you find one, you can only see her once a year!" The problem is that Goddess Bailan is very beautiful, so beautiful that no matter what her mother says, she will He eloped with a handsome realm lord, Chipu Zongzan, minding his own business~
But after eloping, Goddess Bailan did not lose contact with her mother. One day, Goddess Bailan came home and joked with her mother Bandan Ram: "Hey, Mom, you said I can't get married, but my luck is not what I imagined." Damn, I got married and lived happily ever after."
It's okay, don't challenge your humorless parent...especially when her curses are very effective...
Mother Bandan Ram was very angry. How angry was she? She actually turned the face of her eldest daughter, Goddess Bai Lan, into the face of a lion (some say it was a frog)...
(...I really don't understand...why someone would do such a thing that harms others but does not benefit oneself)
But the eldest son-in-law Chipu Zongzan didn't care at all. The two gave birth to a son. The mother's curse has not been fulfilled, so let's fulfill the curse that they only meet once a year!
Bandan Lhamo used powerful Yaksha ghosts and gods to move the temple dedicated to Tripu Zongzan to the south bank of the Lhasa River. From then on, Goddess Bailan and Tripu Zongzan could only meet once a year on October 15th... ..

Still taken by a friend

Mr. Pig...I don't understand...I really don't understand...

After all, she is also her daughter, isn't she?
It should be noted first that in stories, especially stories that have been circulated for a long time, the names of gods and people in the stories will always be used and confused. Please do not really blame Bandan Ram.
Because it is very likely that later generations transformed the two images of Bandan Ram into her daughter, and then added their own reasons why it became like this, so the focus cannot be on who the protagonist is.

Many people judge that this story uses the relationship between Bandan Ram and her three daughters to express the story of authority using strong means to maintain its position when it is challenged... It can be used in It can also be used between parents and children, and between the government and the people.

What do we do when our children disobey?
panic? Big fire? Or are you saying that the girls have ears but no beaks?
What's worse is not that the child talks back, but that the content of his rebuttal actually makes sense...
Is this a repression at this time? Is it a rebuttal? Or are you talking about a beating first?
Or drop a sentence:
I just hope you will suffer in the future!
I see how promising you can be in the future!
Yes, I am old! It’s useless, I can’t even speak anymore!

When did admitting your mistakes, realizing that you were not thoughtful, and expressing that you are better than someone who has done something wrong, actually became a virtue worth boasting about? Isn't this how it should be?
Or..., isn't this what we want our children to have?
What’s worse is that we obviously love our children very much, so why do we talk about our children in a negative, denigrating, or even cursing way?
The smaller one is like, if it’s cold outside, it could kill you if you wear more clothes, right? If you don't wear clothes, don't come back and infect me if you catch a cold!
The bigger point is, I told you not to take the civil service exam, but now you get a little bit every month, and I’m just waiting to see if you don’t have money to work as a foreign worker in the future!

You obviously love your children very much, right? Why push each other away with harsh words?

What will the government do when the people object to the decisions of those in power?
Explain again? In-depth analysis? What are some examples from other countries?
Or..., exclude dissenters? Blame the opposition? Are you saying this is all about dividing the country?
What's more, they imprison, search, and suppress with force...
If you don't agree, you are all dissidents. If you don't vote for me, I should disappear.
Isn’t it the hope from ancient times to cultivate citizens who are capable of thinking, able to collect information and analyze, who are not easily brainwashed, and to establish an open and transparent government, etc.?

When a country has no other voices, how much national strength does the country still have?
When there are only yes-men left in a country, is there any so-called wise people left in this country?

The university talks about studying things, developing knowledge, sincerity, and rectifying the mind, then cultivating oneself, managing one's family, governing the country, and finally bringing peace to the world...
A story that was circulated so long ago can still make people feel that a thousand years later... have we not made much progress? Or is it practiced too little?

Today, I still need a cup of longan, red date and ginger tea to warm myself up...

Taken by a friend in the old style~


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