[Information Quick Report of Personal Nature] Kingsoft's data is probably about to be leaked

Actually, it's the turn of the information security company this time. Tomorrow at the latest, everyone may know about this...

Speculated source of information from: https://t.me/warmacd

We can trade the db for some bitcoins to make life easier for K******t , and me.

You may be familiar with the one who took out the data of Xuetong and bought it - let's not talk about it

Guess based on: K******t == Kingsoft

Look at this tone and personal intuition - it feels that the company's employee information is leaked instead of all user information - of course, it is not necessarily true


Judging from the current volume, excluding the possibility of only employee data, it should be the user data of Kingsoft products

Will Kingsoft pay the extortion fee?

We're Naked - There's been a lot of leaks lately


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Mark一下 | 23.5.19