Thoughts after reading | "But I just don't like it"

She talked about some of the taboos, grievances and helplessness of being a woman.

(I have written an article before, and my feelings about the position of mother are derived from the "rebellious period" in this book. Mother's occupation )

Excerpted from blog via online bookstore

I recently read a book called "But I Don't Like It" . The author of this book is Wu Xiaole , who is also the author of the TV series "Your Child is Not Your Child" . I read this book because of a writer's recommendation, so I went online and bought this book, and I was not disappointed.

Most of the books write about issues related to women, especially some unchangeable fate, which is a very serious topic for women.

I like her choice of words very much, and they are quite profound. There are even some words, sentences or idioms that I may not have seen in the books I usually read. The book often uses metaphors to express certain things, and it is a book that requires careful thinking. Personally, I think it is a very in-depth book and I quite like it.

One of them , "The Rebellion Period," was the most touching one in the whole book. Even after I have finished reading, this is the one that I feel the most. The next one is "Fetish" . Maybe I also have pets. In addition, one of the cats at home left last year, so I will naturally be familiar with the plot in the book. Feel the same.

"Rebellion Period" contains the helplessness and hardship of being a mother. I like a paragraph in it. She said: "Mothers often don't get enough breath. When they want to relax and take a breath, the words and commands of others immediately catch up, convincing mothers to hold their children and walk a little further." This paragraph. The words touched me very much. Can’t a mother raise her children on her own terms? And do others have to meddle in other people’s business?

Being a mother is already a very stressful profession, but you still have to endure criticism and advice from others. Sometimes I think about it, "Mom" is really a heavy title.

After reading this article, I shed a lot of tears.

I like the narrative method in the book. It uses a lot of adjectives, which I lack, but she writes the words appropriately and uses them very profoundly and in place. He directly said out words that some women had buried deeply in their hearts.

I especially like the way she describes the pain during menstrual period, which is very heartbreaking.

It's like a section of your spine has been taken out. Some organs don't have enough support and sink, compressing your lower abdomen. All the muscles in your body are over-strained to cope with this shift. From time to time, you will feel an annoying soreness and tingling sensation. Finally, Even my head started to hurt.

This passage allows the men who are watching to feel this deep pain more deeply, rather than just hearing the stomachache mentioned by the girl. It was pain with a picture.

This book gave me another level of understanding of narratives. Sometimes when we listen to others talking about their own feelings, we can only use our imagination, but Wu Xiaole 's writing allows you to understand her when you see the words. What kind of pain do you want to express.

I think this is the author’s great strength and what I envy the most. I encourage men to read this book and I encourage women to read this book. She talked about some taboos, grievances and helplessness of being a woman. But it also shows that a woman can still work hard to become a superior person. Even if she is a fat dog, she is still a fat dog that everyone admires, and is no longer the kind with a low self-image. He is no longer the fat dog that those people who favor boys over girls look down upon.

The meaning of "fat dog" is very simple: the pig is not fat, but the dog is fat. It means that girls are more successful than boys.

Today's society is constantly changing. Even though the preference for boys over girls still exists, it has gradually disappeared. Modern women know how to speak up for themselves and know how to fight for themselves. I believe that in the future society, we will see more and more differences between men and women. I believe everyone would like to see equality!

My thoughts were written on 110/9/12.


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