Walking Evening News: Three Stories from the Journalists' Festival

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0901 Evening News

Good night,

Today is Journalists' Day, I have selected three her stories of female journalists for you/you, to witness their fearless record of the truth, and please support "World Walk" to report more women's stories!

In 2012, war correspondent Colvin was interviewed at Freedom Square in Cairo, Egypt. (file photo, AP)

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Global Hotspot

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet finally released the much-anticipated human rights investigation report in Xinjiang at the last minute before leaving office, pointing out that the Chinese government's violation of human rights in the region may constitute "crimes against humanity" (crimes against humanity). Beijing has released Uighurs from detention as quickly as possible, but has not used "genocide" charges with countries such as the United States.

Bachelet visited China in May this year and visited Xinjiang under an official arrangement. The more than 40-page report took about a year to produce, but was repeatedly delayed under pressure from Beijing. The report states that large numbers of Uyghur Muslims are arbitrarily detained by the Chinese government in so-called "vocational education and training centers," and finds that allegations of forced sterilization, torture, and sexual assault are "credible": Serious human rights violations have taken place in (Xinjiang) against the backdrop of a communist strategy.”

out of gender

Menstrual pain is not a topic that can be discussed openly on the stage in Indian society where menstruation is still taboo, but in Ernakulam (Kerala) in southern India, a parliamentarian and a medical association jointly launched the The Cup of Life initiative, giving out a record-breaking 100,000 menstrual cups for free, and fostering conversations around menstrual issues, includes setting up pain simulators in malls and universities to let men experience what menstrual pain feels like.

In Kerala, considered one of India's most progressive provinces, women in the local village of Kumbalangi have been given free menstrual cups, making it the country's first "tampon-free village". In the simulation scene, the female participants barely felt anything, laughing and watching the male subjects curl up and shout in pain. Sandra Sunny, the lawyer behind the #feelthepain campaign, said that simulating menstrual pain is the easiest way to change shy attitudes about menstruation and encourage constructive discussions.

I can't just see

Treating mental health problems with Emotional Support Animals (EAS) is not uncommon in the United States. Joie Henney, 69, who lives in Pennsylvania, USA, is no exception, and his animal companions are no exception. Inseparable, walks in the park during the day and sleeps in the same bed at night - except that his certified emotional support animal "WallyGator" is a crocodile with only one fang.

According to Henney, "WallyGator" is by no means an ordinary crocodile. The community residents are very familiar with it. One person and one crocodile usually sit on the sofa and watch TV together. "When it turns its nose to you, it means that it is expecting a kiss. Even so, Henney doesn't advise anyone to keep crocodiles: "If you don't know what you're doing, you're going to get bitten."

Quote of the Day

"pro-choice, pro-fish, pro-worker, and pro-Alaska" - Mary Peltola

On August 31, the U.S. state of Alaska announced the results of the special election for the federal House of Representatives, in which Mary Peltola, a Democrat, won the seat, not only making her the first female House of Representatives in the state’s history, but also a Yupik ( Yupik's Pertola was the first Alaskan Native ever to enter the House of Representatives .

Senior Representative Don Young of Alaska passed away in office in March this year. The candidate who won this special election will succeed Young for the remainder of his term and run again in the November midterm elections.

Alaska has not supported a Democratic candidate for half a century. This time, Republicans including former Alaska governor and former vice president Sarah Palin (Sarah Palin), but Pertola still defeated the high-profile and won the election. The opponents endorsed by Pope also injected a boost for the Democratic Party.

Pertola, who turned 49 on the day of his victory, took a moderate line during the campaign, emphasizing issues such as abortion rights, climate change and marine fishery resources. people. Interestingly, Pertola was a member of the state legislature during Pei Lin's tenure as governor of Alaska. The two were pregnant at the time and developed revolutionary feelings. Pei Lin even recently called her opponent "sweetheart".

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