ngadan - first name

Do you like your name?

namasan pazangal aravac a kakudan nua papungadan.
The naming ceremony is very important.

I forgot when I started to feel that the initial connection between people and this world is the name.

After falling to the ground, parents or respected elders in the family will use the most beautiful words in the world to piece together the first gift they gave you.
And this gift will also be the most direct first step you use to face the world.

This gift will be put into the household management system and posted on the cabinets, tables and chairs in the kindergarten. It was written on the workbook, embroidered on the uniform, printed on the admission ticket, and hung high on the list.

It will serve as a coordinate for your survival in this world and a mark just tailored for you in every minute and every second of your life.

It's amazing, right, it's obviously just two symbols scattered in the ocean of words that are not related to each other, but they are condensed into you because of the expectations and blessings of parents and elders.

Condensed into the most unique, most representative image of you in this world.

When your name is called up again, it is like a blessing from parents and elders, strengthened once again in your life.
Like, your trembling and jubilant first step.

tjara izuazua tja ngadan acaucau
Each of us has a name.

Do you like your name?


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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