Netflix Ghost Slayer - You Guo Chapter


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The Blade of Ghost Slayer is really a cool movie with all the special effects 😂

The first episode of the second season is a continuation of the movie version

Haven't seen the movie version - Infinite Trains can watch it!

Whether it's the special effects or the plot, it's unexpected~

Especially when watching on Netflix, the picture quality is super good!


You Guo chapter describes the death of "Pillar of Flame" Purgatory Kyojuro

Kamado Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke

Play as a little girl~

Plus "Sound Column" Yu Jun Tianyuan

Sneak into Yoshihara Yuguo to find evil spirits

Send a mission to find 3 wives at the same time

Sure enough, the plot will not disappoint~

I thought that the younger sister who owns the land of the wind will have no follow-up results after her decapitation, plus the appearance of her brother, the prostitute Taro

It's like having 2 lives! ! !

The level of fighting between the two sides is too different from the movie version 😂

10 episodes of dogfight

Justice finally prevails

Unexpectedly and unexpectedly

Episode 10 ends with a tense climax

The special effects are really used incisively and vividly! !


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