FTX Free NFT Claim! Big Giveaway


FTX exchange is one of the top four cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. Users can trade cryptocurrencies, equity tokens, and obtain income from FTX. At the same time, it also has good security protection. I personally like the professional ordering interface of FTX. It seems to be very similar to the interface of American brokerages, with a sense of security, and there are many functional parts, including spot, leverage, contract, pledge, equity token, lending, forecast products, volatility products, and sub-accounts, I think It is the perfect casino XD. When you want to go in and gamble, there will be corresponding toys for you. If you are just a stock holder, it is ok. Now FTX is also actively expanding the NFT market. There are often free NFT broadcasts. Today here it comes~

FTX Free NFT Claim

1. Go to FTX PRO Profile -> Get Promotion Code and enter: BakuTicketStubClaim

2. Enter the Promo Code in the upper right corner of the FTX App: BakuTicketStubClaim

FTX registration link:




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