<Personal Record> Weight Loss Diary One of Destiny

※Note that there is an eye injury in the text

※Note that there is an eye injury in the text

One of the weight loss records so far:

I think it was a fateful encounter.

In order to lose weight,

How hard can you try?

In fact, before each weight loss plan starts,

I always ask myself that.

for no good reason,

There is not enough motivation and perseverance.


Losing weight is something that requires motivation.

So every time I fail, I know that I don't have enough perseverance.

However, even so,

Still turning around,

Hope to lose weight

I lost a bit of weight, then got fat again.

This year seems to be the time to lose weight again.

So I wrote in New Year's New Hope that I must lose weight.

Maybe it's like the "Fantasy Journey of Shepherd Boys" said:

"When you truly desire something,

The entire universe will join forces to help you do it. "

So I met the coaches.

As said before,

Losing weight requires strong perseverance and motivation.

Therefore, the first sentence of the coaches is absolutely to ask whether there is determination.

Actually I don't have any,

Because I'm just getting fat to interfere with my hormones,

if not for health,

Obesity doesn't affect me much.

Anyway, I'm used to being alone,

There is no reason in this world that you have to be in the company of others to survive.

If you really want to walk with me,

The other party will not mind whether I am fat or thin.

I will not use the cruelty of the world to advocate the correctness of the truth of loving thinness and hating fatness,

If you are thin, you will have more options.

and give yourself more self-confidence,

I think self-confidence is the biggest reason to attract people.

But in order to get healthy,

End the ticking period due to hormonal imbalance,

I still tell the coach to be determined.

After consulting the coach to confirm that I am determined to lose weight,

Help me make an appointment with the coach Yingxuan who is currently teaching me,

Coach Yingxuan contacted me on time at the appointment time,

Very quickly and briefly introduced how I need to cooperate with the whole course,

And more details will be reserved for meeting in the classroom,

Explain it to me in person.

The coach believes that

Face-to-face is a much more trusting way than the phone.


I set off to Taichung where the coach is,

Although I mustered up the courage to set out,

But I'm still not sure about my resolve,

Brilliantly wrote to the coach five reasons why you must be thin,

However, my heart is full of uncertainty about them.

Like the uncertainty about whether the coaches can help me.

Before arriving in Taichung,

Coach Yingxuan told me that the big coach would be in the classroom during that time,

Because I have taught many coaches who can be independent,

The big coach has not guided the students for a long time.

Maybe many people think this is a kind of talk,

But I really feel like that's one of the things that the universe has given me.

I vaguely remember that Coach Yingxuan once said on the phone,

My ideal weight is 44kg,

Because this number can reduce my body fat to the ideal state,

body fat is ideal,

I can keep my thin body,

Otherwise, you will just keep gaining weight.

The trainer's ideal weight is 29kg different from my actual weight,

Honestly I feel like a Arabian Nights,

How was it possible that I could lose 29kg just with the guidance of the coaches?

During my 30 years of life,

44 kilograms probably only existed in elementary school.

And it's still small three and four hours,

Maybe even younger.

Coach Yingxuan and the big coach emphasized,

Because they really want to help students,

So the guidance process will be very strict,

If I can't cooperate fully,

or lack of determination,

Just don't agree.

But the coaches also said,

Once I promise,

They will do their best to help me.

This sentence reminds me of that book again,

So I believe,

Be guided by coaches.

From 2022/1/3,

More than six months have passed,

Because of some interludes,

I failed to lose 29kg in six months as the coaches estimated,

But now I have lost 16 kilograms,

And I'm still trying,

I vowed to accomplish this New Year's New Hope this year.

Although the goal has not been successfully achieved,

But I want to make a record of this process,

Witnessing that there were times in my life when I worked hard for something.

I originally planned to write one a month.

But for now it looks like it might turn into a long series XD

2022/1/3 Weight measured while in the classroom
2022/1/3 Full body photo taken in the classroom
2022/1/3 Full body photo taken in the classroom
2022/7/23 Morning weight measurement at home
2022/7/23 Side photos taken at home
2022/7/23 Frontal photos taken at home


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