Singing to the point of soreness! ! !

It's been a long time~~ I can sing for so long~~

Recently, because of the epidemic, I don't dare to go to KTV... Actually, it's not that I don't dare~~, it's just because we have internal regulations that we can't go to public places with too many people..., so since January 1st this year, I haven't been able to sing. Take the microphone well~

I suddenly remembered last week that I can be like last year! Go to the motel and sing! But because it was raining, I was too lazy to run far (I used to go to Hsinchu before), and I also felt that the epidemic situation in Taoyuan was not so serious, so I found a "Soho Motel" nearby with a very kind voice when I called and asked (the next article will come). Let me introduce you =], because some things I think are cool!!!)

Taken with cell phone

I have to say that it is my favorite wired microphone. The reason is that I think the sound quality is better. Another reason is that I like the cable of the coiled microphone. It is really cool to sing from 7:00 to 3:30 in the middle of the night~ ~, I really sang until I was tired before going to bed, and I sang for a few hours before I checked out the next morning. I was happy and happy~~ Great satisfaction! Recalling that when there was a special break at work before, I would invite you to sing for at least half a day, but now because working hours are really rare...

However, the long absence of singing also made me experience for the first time that holding the microphone for a long time will also cause muscle soreness! When I went to work to help a patient yesterday, I felt that my triceps and back muscles were a little sore and weak... I think I'm quite exaggerated hahahaha

PS There were only 4 local cases of the epidemic yesterday~~, today 5 cases~~, I believe it will become more and more stable, everyone is great =]

PS Still wishing everyone a happy Lantern Festival~~, whether it’s Tang Yuan or Lantern Festival, it’s just right to eat! Well, the main thing is to reunite~~

If there is anything you want to know or need to add, please leave a message to let me know =] Of course, you can also come to raise the bar~~

This article was published on PotatoMedia on the same day

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CHAO YI我是一名物理治療師,會不定期跟大家分享,自己的想法跟一些治療上的經驗,還有些衛教!=]
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