Supporting author, own work: Collect Writing NFT

Bad news for everyone: The "Blockchain Sociology" Weekly has 0 new subscribers last month... no, it's -1. While I wouldn't shut down the weekly for this, I can't let the trend continue because I believe in creativity. Coincidentally, Writing NFT was launched on August 1. I, who always emphasizes "eating my own dog food", can finally use LikeCoin to reflect the creative value and practice freedom of publication.

Don't wait and see, let's fight the real army right away, let's try a new one.

The development path of decentralized publishing DePub

With LikeCoin upgraded to StarFerry version, I issued the first Writing NFT for the first time.

As the "Genesis NFT" of the LikeCoin chain, this release is of great significance, so we chose to publish a month ago to describe the concept and blueprint of decentralized publishing in detail "The Development Path of Decentralized Publishing DePub, NFT from Immigrants to Aboriginals" , to provide The beginning of a new era.

The article is very long, and at that time, the weekly newspaper was forced to divide it into the first article "NFT Immigrants" and the second article "NFT Indigenous People", respectively explaining the two stages of decentralized publishing. If you want to know what the two mean and how NFT has evolved from immigrants to aborigines, please collect this Writing NFT and taste it slowly.

Becoming a participant in the paradigm shift, and understanding NFTs by reading NFTs, has its own meaning.

Collect Genesis Writing NFTs

Appreciation is more than a thumb

In addition to the above, I also published two other significant historical articles as Writing NFTs for everyone to collect.

The first one titled " Appreciation is more than a thumb – LikeCoin: the social currency for User Generated Content " is my first published article on the development of LikeCoin. It is a whimsical idea that the works can not only remain open, but also "turn praise into appreciation" to earn income.

Re-reading the article now makes me confirm that although society and industry have undergone earth-shaking changes in the past five years, the practice, concept and framework of the entire decentralized publishing have been locked in from the beginning, and the original intention has not changed since then.

Having said that, this article is naive and poorly written, which makes me ashamed. However, if it weren't for the "too simple, sometimes naive" personality, I probably wouldn't have embarked on the entire journey, and LikeCoin wouldn't have appeared.

One of the meanings of Writing NFT is to preserve history, so I deliberately left it untouched to keep my typo and my innocence. Not only that, but it also comes with an Easter egg, the old version of the LikeCoin logo that you probably haven't seen before.

Build a blockchain-based creative CC payment plan

The second historical article is " Building a Blockchain-Based Creation and Creation CC Payment Scheme – LikeCoin: A Community Currency for User-Generated Content ", which was first published in "Stance News" in Hong Kong and is a continuation of the previous article, but changed to Chinese write. After that, I started writing in written Chinese and rarely wrote in English.

"Gou" further deduces the practical direction of decentralized publishing, and introduced blockchain, smart contracts, etc. for the first time, which was still a concept in Martian language at that time-although for many Muggles, the above is still Martian language. Some of these recorded ideas fail with the deduction of technology, and some of them become elements of later white papers and put them into practice.

The above two Writing NFTs are now listed on my Liker Land personal page for collection.

If you are also a creator or journalist, you are welcome to apply for a whitelist and publish your work as Writing NFT. I, and other readers, are looking forward to collecting your work.

For further information on Writing NFT, as well as more basics such as how to open a wallet, get LikeCoin, etc., please join the LikeCoin Discord or check the documentation to learn more.

Original link: chungkin Express


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ckxpress地球人。人文為體,科技為用。 創業者。LikeCoin、DHK dao 發起人。 創作者。逢週四刊出《區塊鏈社會學》週報,文章全數收錄於。 沒有固定手機號碼,但一封電郵就能輕鬆聯繫上——。
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