Matt's Universe Co-construction Project 45|Postscript 1: Interview with Zhuyu and Lei

Matt Universe's diverse values, freedom, and tolerance.


 In the Matt City universe, time is no longer the only source of energy. As long as the star people do what they like on their planet and feel happy in it, the planet will emit a unique light, and these lights are enough to provide what the planet needs. basic energy. Xingmin can also develop other energy sources.

■ Interstellar three years and 71 days

Today is the final election for the recruitment of [ Cosmic Architect ]. There are many experts from all over the world, and all of them come prepared.

Zhuyu Lei froze in front of the big interviewer@Matty. Although he had simulated it many times in his mind, the actual field was another matter, and his eyes were blank.

"Hey, young man, why are you shaking like this? There's nothing to be nervous about, let's chat easily!"

"Just now there is a candidate named @voluntary grandpa, who brought the construction blueprint of the story solitaire ; there is also a Miss @Daisy , her eloquent ring design is also very interesting... How about you? What story do you want? share with me?"

The interviewer said while looking at Lei's information sheet.


"I...I want it to shine."

Lei Jing finally opened his mouth and answered timidly.

"To make something shine?"

"Take a deep breath, calm down first, and I'll go get you a cup of tea!"

Zhuyu Leijing lowered his head and watched the interviewer out of the corner of his eye before he dared to raise his head. He was so nervous that he barely got up, paced the office, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the book on the shelf, and his eyes lit up.

"Huh! Can I borrow this book to go back and read?"

The interviewer had just stepped into the door when Leijing greeted him and asked excitedly, as if he had changed a person.

"Okay! But we have to finish this interview first, where did we just say..."

The big interviewer walked towards the seat.

"I want to connect the planets through reading. The specific plan is to put the book in a space capsule and drift out. It is expected to start with my hometown Alpha (α) planet . Once successful, the first ten star citizens will be A new energy source will be mined for this planet, and this will be the day of the [❶Words Rebirth Lighting ] planet.”

"I also want to build [❷ infrastructure ] on those bleak, uncultivated planets."

"I also found that the energy efficiency on some planets is not good, and I plan to check the transmission lines distributed by the local power plants and bridge various [ ❸transformers ], so that the unfavorable transmission (information) direct current can be turned into an amiable alternating current. ”

"I want to build the [❹Star Arrow Teleportation Point ] between the Rotary Clock and Matt's Universe, so that more people can find it."

Zhuyu Leijing talked a lot, and the interviewer's chair hadn't even opened yet!

"Huh! Where's the man? Why did he leave in such a hurry! What a strange guy."

Looking at the bookshelf with a gap, the interviewer smiled wryly.

■ 290 days later... (three years and 361 days in the interstellar period)

Zhuyu and Leijing have developed a number of small power substation systems, some of which are installed for new star citizens and help them recycle and reuse their resources; some are used by old star citizens, such as power transmission to the Vientiane galaxy . The Internet is a facility that he attaches great importance to.

The most recent project he has invested in is the Matt Universe NFT large infrastructure (infrastructure) project. Watching many stars build their own little fox spaceships come and go, and paint the unique Travelloggers patterns on the ship's hull, and witness:

⚠️ The multiple values of Matt Universe, free and unrestrained, and inclusive.

Seeing that the Star Arrow teleportation point was working well⇩ and the endless stream of interstellar visitors, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Star Arrow teleportation works well
 In the Matt City universe, as long as the stars do what they like on their planet and feel happy in it, the planet will emit a unique light... .

It is a unique light intertwined by the glimmer of happiness of the stars.

■ Notes

  1. This article cites the method (and a few sentences) of "Welcome to Dreamland Department Store", which uses a " replenishing narrative " method to fill (reinforce) individual character images, which is also common in many Korean dramas at the end of single episodes (such as "Crash Landing on Love"). , "Coast Village Cha Cha Cha"). However, I don't know if any creators will adopt a similar structure in the future, so start the postscript " " first to facilitate the development of the series.
  2. In the study of " interstellar time ", refer to this article to set 2017.11.30 as the birth date of the universe, which is 1166 days apart from the announcement date of the architect list on 2021.02.08, that is, 3 years and 71 days, to determine the "past"; and "Today" is located on 2021.11.25, which is 1456 days apart, that is, 3 years and 361 days .
  3. Glossary 🌐 Cosmos Architect ⇨ Matt City Architect.
    🌐 Alpha (α) Planet, Ten Star PeopleDrift Book Project ɑ Team .
    🌐Transformer ⇨ It is a metaphor for the transmission of information flow, and it becomes amiable and easy to understand by transforming it.
    🌐Star arrow teleportation point ⇨ It is a metaphor for the guidance of people outside the station.
    🌐 Circular investment ⇨ A metaphor for entrustment, the activation and utilization of funds at hand.
    🌐 Vientiane GalaxyMastodon .
  4. This article is fiction, but what is that book ? ⇩
"Blockchain Sociology"

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