The thing that doesn't kill you doesn't necessarily make you stronger, it just doesn't kill you yet

Sometimes, things that don't kill you can indeed make you stronger, but in some cases, dealing with slag seeds that haven't killed you just keeps giving them the chance to kill you.

🎯 I often hear people say: What does n't kill you will make you stronger . 🎯

Therefore, in the workplace, in love, and in life, I often see so-called warriors, desperately using their mental strength, loyalty, and feelings to collide again and again, or to please things or people who want to kill you.

for what? Do you really want to get stronger?

What do you think you can do after being bullied and taking advantage of by your boss and colleagues again and again?
Will people give you a raise or a promotion because you accept the mess time and time again?
Forgive the person who lied, cheated, and betrayed you again and again, what do you want?
Will people change their minds and turn around because they are grateful for your tolerance and love?

To put it bluntly, you are not really so willing to accept all this and swallow your voice in the workplace, but you think you have to, you are afraid that if you do not accept it, your job will be lost, and your colleagues will not like you.

Why didn't you think about it, accept it, do people like you more? Higher salary and more stable status? Are you mentally balanced?

Compromise in love is not about how much you love the other person, you are just unwilling to believe that your vision is so poor, that your time is spent on bad people, and you want to be rewarded for your youth, so you fantasize about if the other party Change, I am the savior of the world; if the other party is so bad, I can still stand it, I am the person who understands love best in the world...

A kind of psychological fallacy of " sunk cost ", you always think that you have paid so much before you can be content with something in return. Just like a gambler who doesn't know much about gambling, the more you lose, the more you want to get your money back. Come down, so the dealer laughed, and you lose to take off your pants.

Stop being superstitious.

Things or people that haven't killed you yet, if the quality is very poor, mixing with them will only consume you.

Sometimes, things that don't kill you can indeed make you stronger, but in some cases, dealing with slag seeds that haven't killed you just keeps giving them the chance to kill you.

Not all things are worthy of your repeated ineffective investment. You have been indulging in the atmosphere that I will get better after a long time. It is undoubtedly a chronic suicide. You may still be alive, but your three views are distorted and your ego Doubt that life, mental and emotional exhaustion, is the same as death?

In a state of not being OK, use more brains and rely less on intuition and wisdom, and life can go better.

What doesn't kill you will come back to you


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艾莎解結🌷「艾莎」為您「解」開心「結」🌷 想要解開職場千千結,你需要深諳各種江湖套路,又受過專業心理諮商訓練的艾莎解結。 ~願人人都有選擇人生的自由~ To be free group-TBFG 我的個人網站 粉專:艾莎解結-跨界生涯顧問
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