【Rensen Mantoubao Series】Be brave! Do something for your life!

兩謙 Ruth
What screwed up can shape us or scar us. But it will also change the standard by which we measure things. Because failure means finding out where the boundaries are.

Hello everyone! I am Liang Qian!

Before starting the text, I would like to talk about some of the opportunities for writing this article!

Many people should know that reading is a very important and great habit, but most of the time it is neglected because of the busy life.

As for my own reading frequency, it is quite unstable. Basically, I read a few books on a whim or have a specific goal.

Reading in this somewhat passive way is actually pretty bad, but it doesn't seem to have done much to improve it (cover your face.

Just a few months ago, I saw Lost Abby's night reading punch card, and I was encouraged ah ah ah!

So I silently followed up on this little habit, and of course I'm still working hard XD.

(Quick link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQ0I0y-VraFPsC-brBVZ2g )

Start text▼

I recommend this book to you/you▼

Recommended Level: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Suitable age range: 12+

(The story is quite approachable, with some esoteric words.)

Extensive content: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

(Every three or four pages is a short story. It will not be too long. It is also good to read one in your spare time.)

(Because the author is a Christian, the content will cover some conversations about faith, but it is also just right.)

[You don't need to exhaust your scheming to achieve your wish, you just need a pure confidence. 】

Although sometimes it is not satisfactory, just start from the heart. Every tiny action can make a huge difference in a corner of the world.

Bob Goff mentions three stories about action in the book:

They are "Truck for ten cents", "Story Number", "Go buy your textbooks"

They have one thing in common is "action",

Exchange ten cents for better items, and end up with a van to give to those who need it.

Story number, do as many things as possible, instead of waiting until a certain day in the future to come up with memories.

Going to buy your textbooks is for the author's experience in college. He didn't get admitted to that school, but he waited every day at the principal's door for the words that would allow him to enter.

Finally he waited, "Go buy your textbooks".

Many times I doubt whether it will work or not, but from the heart, seemingly small actions may be some kind of meaningful things.

[I used to be afraid of mistakes and brokenness, but now I know that people who are mixed with fragments in their lives can achieve more. 】

Bob Goff left school in his senior year determined to move to his dream place, rock climbing and get a job.

Although he did many things that he thought was right at the moment, he also failed many times.

It's like sometimes we try for a long time and still screw everything up.

What screwed up can shape us or scar us. But it will also change the standard by which we measure things. Because failure means finding out where the boundaries are.

"We are all scarred people, healed with gum, leaves, and grace." — (fragment from the book of excerpts)

[Those small, but very beautiful things. 】

Life is sometimes too ordinary, but those small, but very beautiful things. It can always bring a different temperature to us and the people around us.

When the author was a child, he often grabbed change and went to the corner store, where there was a kind old grandfather, where he could exchange the coins he had made for a lollipop.

But one day the copper plate was not enough, and there was still a penny.

**"A shiny copper plate can be worth two"** said the grandfather.

So the shop owner took a piece of cloth and slowly and carefully wiped one of the coins clean.

This is my favorite passage in the whole book, with a strong sense of picture and a certain kind of profound temperature.

It turns out that we can all make a good rule and have the ability to do so at the same time.

If anyone needs a little help and grace, an occasional shiny coin, we're all sitting on the same side of the counter in fact, we're both that kid and that shop owner.

[Finally, I want to give you some STEP and some tips]

Excerpted a few sentences from the book, how to proceed to the next step, and what to do.

(It is a step and a hint, I hope it can give you some help.)

  • Try to figure out what the next step is and just let it go. The next step is actually pretty simple, and then things start to develop.
  • Your next step has to do with picking at least one thing that excites you, something you thought was beautiful before, or it's been hanging around in your heart for a while, and you feel that it's meaningful.
  • Don't pick things that are just within your reach, pick things that you feel you are meant to do.

As for why I recommend this book,

It's a little hilarious, a little funny, a little chicken soup, but not too chicken soup.

It can remind you in a timely manner, give you strength, and may also be less repulsive and fearful of failure.

All in all, it's a very easy and enjoyable book to read! XD

Finally, thank you for reading the article! Hope it can be of some help to you/you. :)

Further reading:

【Daily Exercise Book】Change Your Life, Say Goodbye with Sofa Potatoes

[Rensen Mantoubao Series] We all grew up bumpy, and you who want to change but feel lost.

【Rensen Mantoubao Series】How high is the wall in your heart? What kind of stories lie behind those smiles?

Welcome to my den:

IG Liangqian: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_draw.dsgn/?hl=zh-tw

(Photo/picture source: Liang Qian)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

兩謙 Ruth我是兩謙,有著多從身份與不同標籤,但我期望我是我自己,能真實活著的我自己。如果用幾個關鍵字快速認識我,約莫為 寫作 × 設計 × 插畫 × 攝影 × 街頭 × NGO,但期望你能透過筆下的我,與實際對話後的我,了解我是什麼樣子,也讓我學習認識你的樣子。 這裡大多分享我的想法與生活, 藝術創作的部分則以IG居多!歡迎大家來走跳走跳! Instagram : @ruth_draw.dsgn
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