Q Bo is not doing business with a small diary-Day 59


"Hairstyle and Confidence"

After a new hairstyle on Saturday, she made her debut today for my colleagues at the company and my sister in the jewelry store. To be honest, after my curling this time, I magically have an unprecedented sense of freedom! how to say?

I used to be very concerned about the eyes of people around me, especially friends and family. I was born with a naturally curly base, and I am grateful to my parents for giving me a fluffy hair! I know that this kind of naturally fluffy head is a bit envious for many people with fine and soft hair~ However, everyone is like this, and they do not necessarily understand the advantages they have, but often envy what others have.

Since high school, maybe the hormones have made me want to be beautiful! At that time, my parents and I begged me to try perming my hair for a long time. Because they felt that perming hair was "damaging the hair", how could they not cherish the gifts given by my parents!

But after my parents took me to get my hair done to a hairdresser I knew, the hairdresser suggested to help me straighten my hair and look at my straight hair!


Surprisingly amazing~ I am madly in love with myself 😆⋯
In addition, after being praised by the women at school the next day, I want to straighten my hair even more!

Of course, my mother finally agreed to let me go after seeing me so happy and begging all the time~

However, this is also a road of no return! Because once my hair grows out, the roots must be curly and fluffy! Over time, it is a "fried hair head" again!

College classmates occasionally speak bluntly:
"Your head is so big!"
"You are so messy and uninspired."
"Please sort it out, okay? It's ugly!"

A young girl's heart is always a glass vessel at the beginning of her love affair, and I often hear my own heartbreak at times like this...

The self-confidence in his appearance is estimated to have stabilized after meeting Sheon! But learning to "love yourself" is probably the key project I learned after working in Switzerland for a year.

I tried curly hair before, but I was disgusted with having a bigger head and felt uncomfortable. This time, I try again and leave it to the stylist!

What I heard today is:

"so cute!"
"It's very stylish, it fits!"
"Beautiful! The feeling of evolution~"

After thinking about it, I guess it has something to do with the many beautiful accessories I go to work in the jewelry store. However, I think that the calmness and self-confidence shown by practicing liking myself and being totally myself is what makes me different!

Ps Now the software is amazing! Just click on the button and the cartoon version of the photo will come out~


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AmyQHi, 我是AmyQ,一個來自台灣的活潑女孩。天生喜歡和人群接觸,卻走上一條需要時常獨自潛心修練的"科學家奇幻之旅"。曾旅居歐洲,目前繼續學習如何當一名專業且優秀的生物醫學研究人員。近期,腦筋急轉彎!想開啟人生新方向!期許在追逐自我實現的過程中,能傳遞愛與勇氣給這世界,感悟生命的奧義與美好!
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