Menor Manor with inner loop


This article's previous guide book "Animal Farm" - George Orwell

The spiritual leader, Mr. Major, made a full analysis of the internal and external situation of the manor before his death, and established a new narrative and goals for the manor.

On the basis of Master Major's thought, Napoleon, the breeding pig, established an ideology that can control the brain and behavior. All actions on the estate must conform to the spirit of this doctrine.

At the same time, Napoleon also established the manor's constitution - "Seven Commandments".

Since the success of the revolution, the estate has been publicly cut off from the outside world. The estate is self-produced and sold. To encourage members not to lie flat and to work hard, Napoleon established various committees to carefully plan the distribution of each element.

Due to the inherent inequality of education and the individual differences of the members themselves, the literacy level and cognition in the manor are not high. Napoleon took away all the books and allowed only a few people to read them. The breeding pig Napoleon successfully summed up the ideology and constitutional spirit of his invention as "the manor is beautiful, and the outside of the manor is full of bad guys".

The pigeons in the manor were Napoleon's ideological propagandists, and Napoleon took the newborn puppies away to raise and train them personally.

Napoleon had a disagreement with another management member, Snowball, on the major issue of manor construction, and framed Snowball in an accident. It doesn't matter whether Snowball is dead or alive, but there is a living, defecting Snowballing narrative propaganda should be a good thing for Napoleon.

The members of the manor worked all day to accomplish the goal of self-sufficiency and major construction projects, but the quality of life was not as good as Napoleon advertised at the time, and none of the members experienced the advertised retirement. At the same time, the quality of life of Napoleon and the surrounding management was found to be improving day by day.

One day, the manor began to do business with the outside world to a limited extent, and some members found that the previous constitution "Seven Commandments" had various interpretations. Due to the low literacy rate in the manor, few people remember the previous "Seven Commandments" clearly, but these explanations sound to meet the current urgent need.

Snowball, who defected in the propaganda narrative, became the initiator of various disasters in the manor and an external hostile force. All disasters are the destruction of this external hostile force, and the leader's decision is great, glorious and correct.

Next, the manor's contact with the outside world became more and more frequent, but it also suffered from fraud and quarrels from the outside world.

Will the manor return to its original intention? In order not to be disturbed by the outside world, to return to a self-produced internal circulation state?

Presumably the members of the manor are not sure, not even Napoleon the pig.


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