The theme of the special issue of "Suffix" in August: how to take notes and control love (invited)

Call for Papers for Willful Plus Twice Bonus

July Special Issue: Sex and its "Non-Sexual Relationships": Except Sex, will be released soon, some short commentary articles have been published, see the special issue tab for details.

Announcing the theme of the next special issue: how to control love with notes (has been set as a label)

📒How to participate in the special issue: two types of call for papers

📌I am a note controller: the number of words is more than 500 words, and the manuscript fee is 300LIKE.

The content must include the following three points:

 ✅Recommend the most useful (or most commonly used) note-taking software (or other note-taking methods)
✅Which type of things do you use most often to remember? (Or what kind of thing does the project deal with?)
✅Note control wish list, what features do you most want to add or improve in the note taking software? (or what kind of note-taking ability you want to improve)

📌Introduction, after reading, or short comments on articles in the " Selected Area in the Tag ": the number of words is more than 500 words, and the manuscript fee is 500LIKE.
 ✅The article needs to be associated ✅Writing guidelines:
(1) Experience after actually using the note-taking method introduced in this article.
(2) Or supplement the content of the original article.

👉Please go directly to the label: How to contribute, and associate this article.

The above two categories of manuscripts will be selected by the editor-in-chief and compiled into a special issue. Deadline for manuscripts: 7/20. 🙏

🔥Plus bonus event:

No matter whether the submitted article is selected for the special issue or not , as long as the author himself reposts the article link to the channel of Matters Lab Discord: Creator Hall , after the sharing is completed, and then paste the sharing link back to the comment area of this article , you can get a 50LIKE bonus 🥳

If you share the article to, you can add 50 LIKE with joy. (Need to share the link and paste it back to the comment area of this article)

Citizens are welcome to participate! 🙏


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