Aviation Science Sees Life | Visual Flight in Low Visibility

One day, the fog was thick, and I said, "Instructor, I can't see the mountains." The old instructor still looked out the window calmly, holding his chest with both hands, and did not try to help me control the plane at all...
On that day, I worshipped a retired Air Force instructor as my teacher. Beneath the gentle and benevolent appearance of the old instructor, there were deep experiences and strengths that belonged to him.

my initiation instructor

Everyone's definition of war is different, but in my mind, the instructor is definitely a great man who has fought a war. During his service in the Air Force, the instructors switched to countless aircraft types, which is also known as "reloading" in Air Force terms, including the F-104 star fighter known as "widowmaker" or "flying coffin".

In addition to passing on the experience to the younger generation chasing the dream of flying, it also provides the opportunity to fly to the sky for the public who are looking forward to experience or enjoy the pleasure of traveling. At the beginning of its establishment, the instructors pioneered the wilderness and created something from scratch. Over the past few years, weeding and cleaning have also been done by one hand, so that some visitors asked the instructor in civilian clothes in confusion: "Excuse me, where is the pilot?" The instructor is so kind , Happy to receive every visitor at the airport built by himself.

Visual flight: Seeing with your eyes?

The basic of visual flight is to identify the attitude and heading of the aircraft according to the sky-earth line, the height of the top of the mountain, and the direction of the coast. One day, the fog was thick, and I, holding the flight control stick, said to the instructor, "Instructor, I can't see the mountain." help me with the control of the plane), said:

"If you have a mountain in your heart, it is a mountain."

To be honest, I don’t quite understand what the instructor means at the moment. After all, there are not only no mountains in front of me, but also no horizons! It was not until my flight experience and muscle memory gradually accumulated with my flying time that a mountain of soil appeared in my heart, just like Wang Chong's "Lunheng, Volume Fourteen, State Leaving":

The accumulation of soil into a mountain is the work of Feissu. The sword of a capable general has been in the charcoal for a long time, with a sharp blade and a long history.

It means that a mountain formed by mounds cannot be completed in an hour and a half. The sword of Ganjiang (ancient famous sword) must be calcined in the furnace (to make the metal continuously remove impurities during the shaping process to enhance its strength) for a long time, and the sharp edge also undergoes numerous smelting (extracting specific metals) and polishing.

Pilot's Way

I still remember that the instructor in the first class asked me about my definition of a pilot. I thought about it and answered with questions: "A person who holds the joystick with both feet on the rudder and controls the plane?" The instructor smiled and pointed at the Seat, tell me:

Sitting in this position, you are the pilot.

Looking back, I understand that I am a pilot in the driver's seat, and to become a pilot with "a mountain in my heart" requires continuous investment.

As for life

No matter what field you are in, what kind of person you want to become, if you want to be full of wisdom, stability, and confidence like an instructor, or if you want to be like the old monk in "Zhiyuelu" who experiences "Seeing a mountain is a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, seeing a mountain is still a mountain. At different stages such as "mountain", only through continuous exercise and self-improvement, so as to accumulate experience, and then have different levels of understanding, can you continue to move forward on the road of dreams.

Aviation Science and Life | Visual Flight in Low Visibility / Chen Wen


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