Too early to say

More than 20 years of ups and downs, everything is like a dream...

In the past month, the world has been turbulent and the plague is raging. Macau people have been distressed and rushed for themselves and their families, as well as for the anti-epidemic measures, patience and depression, who has not shaken their heads and sighed, dumbfounded and miserable?

Some people stick to their posts on the front line without humiliating their mission and have no regrets; some people respond to the policy and stay at home with sincerity and fear; There are also people whose livelihood is not guaranteed, their future is worrying, they are helpless, and they have no countermeasures. This month may seem short, but the repeated outbreak of the epidemic has made people feel like a year, and it is enough to consume the fruits of many people's years of struggle.

Looking back on the past, the ups and downs of more than 20 years, everything is like a dream, through the bustling and noisy, and then to the unstoppable Great Depression, in the days when this virus is rampant and dangerous everywhere, re-examine the situation of the past month. Development, supplementary reading materials, careful scrutiny, perhaps even more panic, see how cruel God has been to us these 30 days.

It is said that Macau's anti-epidemic measures will enter a consolidation period on July 23. According to news reports yesterday, the most notable change is that casinos and barbershops can provide limited services. People can go out for dog walks or walks, but running is still not allowed. Dine-in restaurants are still banned, but shops in other industries on the street can reopen, but cinemas, beauty salons, fitness studios and other places remain closed. The amount of information about the consolidation period is a bit large, and I hope relevant stakeholders can accurately understand it, implement it properly, and operate smoothly.

Now the whole city is looking forward to the unblocking of Macau in August, but there can be many variables in the tenth day, and it is too early to speculate at present.

Yesterday I wrote that my little girl wanted to go to a stationery store to buy color pens. Netizens told me that they can buy color pens online. However, the fun of visiting a stationery store for children is to pick and choose, and this is a living habit, and the feeling of online shopping is always different. It is said that the stationery store on the street can also open on Saturday, but we still decide how to arrange the children to go out to buy things depending on the situation. After all, this is not urgent, and the most important thing is to confirm that the market is really safe.

Because there will be a limited resumption of the market next week, and there is also a rule that other industrial and commercial establishments other than the life-sustaining industry shall not be present at the same time more than 50% of the employees, people began to discuss whether to go to work, and how to go to work. Fortunately, this time it is It was announced a few days earlier, and I believe there will be enough time for relevant agencies to make arrangements. For me, going to work is fulfilling my responsibilities, and working from home is in compliance with the policy. There is no contradiction between the two. In fact, the most important thing is to complete the given work on time, burn incense that should burn incense, recite Buddha's chanting, and do things on time, even if the sky is thundering, so I will not be idle anyway, because I have never been idle. No such luck.

Originally, I planned to write as little as possible about Macau, and I also set up a writing platform for other regions, intending to gradually reduce the local color in my writing. However, a plague brought me back to the state of having Macau in my heart. Although I was just writing a diary, I had to be careful not to cause trouble for writing articles. But after experiencing such a big event, I am sorry for not keeping a good record.

These days, the click-through rate of my articles on other platforms has been decreasing, but the Facebook account for netizens in Macau has more likes. These data allow me to clearly see the obvious differences between different topics on various platforms. In fact, after the epidemic, I will start my original writing plan again, and I will no longer write this anti-epidemic life diary, but there are too many uncertainties in the future, and it may be too early to say what I think!


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