〚2020 Matters Annual Questionnaire 〛 Thank you Matt City.


Can't think of one thing that will happen this year at the beginning of the year? How has this event changed your life?

Started a side business after get off work, working online at home to make money. This event will not have a huge change in life in a short period of time, but it will accumulate more life options for the future self and create time freedom. I am currently writing an article on my personal website. There are more than 20 options for working at home after get off work to create passive income. Share later.

A humorous laugh for you all:

The postponer said: Master, should I sleep in on weekends?

Success Master said: Are you rich?

The person who postponed said: Master, are you saying that I should have the habit of getting up early to study and constantly improve myself in order to increase my income?

The Master of Success said: No, I mean to ask you to sleep more, you can save a meal.


In 2020, what gives you the deepest sense of meaning?

When COVID-19 and Wuhan epidemic became the hot search keywords of GOOLE. An epidemic, the days of being blocked, in terms of meaning, except life and death are big matters, other things are small matters. Health and safety is what matters.

The global epidemic is still severe, please record the epidemic events you think are worth remembering.

In 2020 my idol, basketball star Kobe Bryant passed away.

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics in Japan have been cancelled.

April 7, 2020 is World Health Day. Video: Athletes express their gratitude to the medical staff who are on the front lines fighting the epidemic .

Travel is restricted in 2020. Are there any personnel matters that you must see/do when the epidemic is over?

go home.

In previous years, I applied for a one-month vacation with the company at the beginning of the year, and went home to reunite with my family for the New Year. New Year 2021 may not be able to go home.

How has travel restrictions in 2020 changed your relationship with others/the world?

During the epidemic, you need to protect yourself and others, so the usual number of store shopping has been greatly reduced, and most of them have changed to online shopping. Some fresh food supermarkets provide delivery services, and daily necessities are usually sold on Amazon or Atomy online supermarkets Shopping. The pandemic has changed my spending patterns.

Although travel is restricted, it cannot restrict my care for my family, because Atomy is a nationwide online supermarket platform. Even if I am not with my family, I can send love to my family in other countries through online shopping and ordering. people.

Suddenly I understand my objection

direct sales.

In fact, the direct selling market is similar to the stock market.

For example, when I was a student, I often frowned when I heard about stocks to express resistance, but I didn’t think about why I resisted. I just heard the news and the ups and downs of stock speculation among my elders and took it out of context.

After I started self-study, I found that people who had no concept of financial management and money would be afraid when they heard the word "stock", just like me at the beginning. It was because of a lack of knowledge about financial management, and playing stocks became speculative behavior. And people with financial knowledge are not playing stocks, but doing solid stock investment behavior.

Facing something you are unfamiliar with means that you have not established trust in it, so of course there is a sense of resistance.

I really researched why most people resist when they hear the word direct selling. Why do most people have such a bad first impression of direct selling? It turns out that there are also outstanding ones in direct selling, that is, they are different from others. Just like the stock world, there are also high-quality stocks and junk stocks. If you can throw away the existing concept of generalization, as long as you are willing to study and study the stock market, you will find a valuable stock company that you trust and bring you benefits. The same principle can be used in the direct selling market.

I can understand the concept of Atomy Direct Selling Company - a nationwide online supermarket. (I will write an article later to introduce the many advantages of Atomy in detail~ I found something good, and I can’t hold back if I don’t share it. 🤐)

I don't know what your impression of direct selling is in your mind? Or have you experienced any good or bad direct selling experience?

The intractable contradictions encountered in 2020, the contradictions here refer to: you feel that your beliefs and behaviors are in conflict.

The conflict of beliefs that has been difficult to resolve in my heart is not only limited to 2020. This is a long family story.

After begging again and again, I finally got pregnant with boys. Since the triplets were born prematurely, the youngest brother suffered from severe cerebral palsy due to hypoxia, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law problems, the family pressure that the mother has endured for more than ten years is that moment Completely collapsed, the younger brother of the cerebral palsy child became the last straw that broke the mother's sanity line.

Later, my mother suffered from depression and closed herself in a small world, and began to have persecution fantasy. She often thought that people around her would hurt her and her little brother, and even her family members became her suspects. Our children often bear the burden of Being falsely accused by my mother caused domestic violence, so when I was a child, my relationship with my mother had already had a great conflict. It can be said that my growth process was described as dire. Emotions of love and hate have been pouring out all the time. On the one hand, I know that my mother is helpless and lonely after losing her mind and needs to be accompanied. Now that everyone is grown up and sensible, the fears and contradictions brought by our original family still exist in our hearts. Occasionally meet with siblings, and still greet each other, how are you doing? On the surface, you often laugh and laugh, but we all know that everyone’s injured heart has not healed, and needs a physiologist or psychological counseling to heal Scarred heart.

When I grew up, I always wanted to do something for my mother, so that she could slowly come out of the melancholy world.

When I grow up, I will always tell my mother that you are not lonely, we are all here.

In fact, after exploring Youtube, I found that I also want to help my mother open a home cooking channel. Through her talents, she can connect with the world, increase her self-confidence and open her heart, and make her life more fulfilling through cooking and video message interaction. Just being a 24-hour caregiver . However, my mother doesn't know much about computer homework. After cooking, she needs someone to help her with the post-production steps of the film. I, who have been abroad for a long time, can't help, so this matter has been put on hold.

Then I came into contact with Atomy online shopping. After in-depth understanding, I found that this company may be suitable for mothers to get out of their closed and melancholy world. After all, Youtube is still a platform for interacting with the Internet by yourself at home, which is more of a virtual world. And Atomy has some physical membership activities that members can participate in personally, such as domestic and foreign road running activities, public welfare activities and sharing activities. These gatherings can occasionally take my brother to act together, I think it should be possible Let the mother's long-suppressed mood have a bright outlet, and you can also let the younger brother come out to see the sky in different cities.

I want to help my mother in every possible way, although I always have the belief that my mother will get better, but what I can give and give is often more than I can do, I hope the future will be better, come on.

Tell me how my body has changed this year?

Although I still don’t exercise very regularly, I prefer to eat simply, eat well without being full, and choose to eat more raw foods.

Invested in a yoga mat for myself a few weeks ago. People say that if you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools. The mat is lying next to my bed. I believe that the law of attraction will attract me to the mat and stretch it, and then go to bed.

Yes, I prefer my body now. Thank yourself for being more health conscious.

Hu Naiwen's lecture - Famous doctors talk about health care channel, for your reference.

Have you found something about yourself that you can't stop in 2020?

► Continue reading to strengthen your little brain.

► Continue financial management, let money help me work, accumulate passive income, and spend more free time with my family.

Song I Want To Share: Together With You

Book I Want to Share: The 4-hour workweek

lose busy life

Photos represent my 2020

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like.
Chocolate BonBon

Christmas handmade chocolate BonBon I made at my company for VIP guests. There are strawberry flavor, sea salt caramel flavor, raspberry flavor, passion fruit flavor. 😋

In the movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like. 』

The taste of the future is always unpredictable. We did not expect the epidemic this year, and we never know what will happen in the next moment, but what we can do is to live every day seriously, with a good heart and a good life.

Quick Fact: The country that eats the most chocolate in the world is Switzerland. 😍

Why use chocolate instead of lollipops? Because there are usually several 10 pieces in a box of American chocolates, each of which has a different packaging, shape and color. There was no special taste for a long time ago. It could only be opened in the mouth and tasted before you can feel the taste.

The movie I want to share: "Forrest Gump"

In the movie, the heroine Jenny asked Forrest Gump, "What kind of person do you want to be in the future? ' Forrest Gump asked back: "Can't I be myself? ', Forrest Gump said: 'My mother said that if you want to move forward, you must first forget the past. I think this is the purpose of running. 』In fact, life is like this. In this difficult year, we must thank ourselves for not forgetting our original intention. The dawn of hope in 2021, remember to bless your not simple self, you have worked hard.

2020, thank you matters, it's nice to have your company.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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