Does allergic rhinitis really need surgery? Practical articles and postoperative experience

Does allergic rhinitis really need surgery?

Experience after surgery

Much scarier than I imagined. I thought that the nasal septum correction and inferior turbinate surgery were minimally invasive and minor operations, but they were not.

Completely repair the compartment (nasal septum) and the wall (nose meat) in the nostril within the range that does not reach the nasal bone. However, after going through this experience, this "type" of rhinoplasty surgery is really uncomfortable. I really admire it. Those who love beauty and have rhinoplasty surgery can endure a higher level of pain than me!

This time I was hospitalized for four days and three nights of minimally invasive surgery. I wanted to say that it was a minor surgery and I would do it alone. I didn’t want to trouble my family. As a result, after the first day of the minor surgery, I still had trouble with my family. Although he only stayed in the hospital for three nights, he made the whole person half dead. On the day of discharge, he had a slight fever, thinking that he would not be able to get out of the hospital.

Feeling one month after surgery

I feel that people have really become more refreshed. At present, there is no more nose allergy and itchy eyes, and I have become very sensitive to whether the nose is smooth. If there is hardened secretions in the nasal passages, it will be very sensitive. I want to get it out, but sometimes things are so big that it is a little surprising! However, the nose is not so easy to block, and the feeling of the nose is smooth, so good!

What's even more surprising is that I used to swim a lot, and after swimming, my nose was allergic, and my nose was runny and sneezing. Almost all night, I thought my nose was allergic to chlorine. It was the first time I went to swim after the operation. I didn't even try it, which surprised me! Jack, this is amazing!

Surgery and recovery


I still go to work in the morning. Before I go to hospital in the afternoon, I have to do some nose related tests, such as:

  • Inspiratory volume of each nostril: I complained that the symptom was on the right side of the nose. In the absence of nasal congestion, I could not inhale any air, which made me feel almost hypoxia;
  • Sonic nasal measurement: the purpose is unclear;
  • An olfactory test for twelve different flavors was also performed.

Taking this opportunity, I also signed the "Consent Form for No First Aid" and "Organ Donation Form". This thing is always on my mind.

At the hospitalization counter, after checking in, I put my wristband on my right hand. This is a four-day and three-night journey. Before going to the ward, I went to draw blood again. Due to the limit of insurance claims, you can only live in a two-person room at most.

After that, I reported to the nursing station in the ward, and was told by the nurse that I would have the first knife tomorrow. So, I took leave of the nursing station and went home to pack my luggage.

Ward 709, First Building, China Medical College

Before going home, go eat a good meal and make up for yourself

good taste to remember

After packing and grooming, head back to the ward at 10pm for the challenge!


I thought it would be fine to live in a two-patient room, but the next bed, Ojisang, was very uncivilized. He used his mobile phone to watch ancient costume dramas, swords and swords, and the sound of swords and metals. At home, I always wear shorts and short sleeves to sleep, but here I have to put on long-sleeved trousers. The bed in the hospital bed is also very difficult to sleep. I sleep in light sleep all night, and the quality of sleep is very poor. After 6 o'clock, the nurse came to the ward to remind me to change into the surgical gown (the clothes must be completely naked) and put on the drip needle.

Preparations for surgery begin

When I arrived at 7:30, the hospital assistant asked me to get into a wheelchair and put a quilt on my feet. I was afraid of exposure, so I pushed it all the way to the waiting area of the operating room and waited, and the hospital assistant left.

Many people also report here early in the morning for outpatient surgery. Not long after, the surgical nurse came, re-checked my identity, re-checked the surgical site and self-paid items, and pushed me into the operating room.

It's a lie if I'm not nervous. I heard the doctor say it's a minor operation, but the whole scene is the general operation specification. Please go to the operating table by myself, cover my body with a quilt, and double check whether the warm-up work is OK, and the air-conditioning in the operating room is good. powerful. The eyes are first covered with gauze, then covered with cloth, nothing can be seen, and then, it is all sensation! Because of local anesthesia and the eyes are covered by surgery, all movements are felt and painless! Really , local anesthesia is sufficient.

Since it is a teaching hospital, the preliminary work, such as the description of the operation sequence and local anesthesia, is performed by the resident physician first, and as a result, even the initial part of the operation is also performed by him.

My nasal septum is curved to the right, but the scalpel cut is inside my left nostril, the nasal septum is cartilage, as other articles have written, trimming my nasal septum feels very similar The feeling of cutting fiberglass, the resident doctor spent a lot of time trimming, the construction method is very soft, and it is almost completed.

The resident doctor told me that the nasal septum correction surgery was done. Because of my clear consciousness, I specially asked the doctor to cover my left and right nostrils to check the air intake. As a result, the first time I inhaled so much air through the right nose, Very unaccustomed, the resident said that after letting the director deal with it, it will feel better.

When I started the inferior turbinate surgery, my director-level physician Dai Zhizhan appeared. As soon as he took over, his hands and feet were as fast as lightning, which was impressive. He also looked at what the resident doctor had done. Nasal septum surgery, I felt that it was not in place, and I pressed it hard again, only to hear the sound of glass fiber tearing again, I was so shocked, and then I dealt with the problem of hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate, much like a shovel to remove one by one , almost, the chief physician asked me to try again, if the left is ten, and the right is a few, I feel eight.

Because I was awake, I always felt that it took a long time to deal with it, because at the outpatient clinic, Dr. Dai said that this minor operation could be done within an hour. He said that I was severely bent, and my cartilage was thick and large, which was not good. prune. I have also checked the operation of nasal septum curvature and inferior turbinate hypertrophy, which is considered to be an early-stage operation in otolaryngology. Finally, two nostrils were stuffed with biodegradable fillers to stop the bleeding, one or two stitches were added, and the nostrils were covered with gauze. You're done. But the moment of suffering began.

When I came out of the operating room, I saw my wife waiting outside. She originally told her not to come, because she was afraid of bothering her, but she was still worried, and still insisted on taking a day off to accompany me.

He began to bleed heavily in the afternoon, and the gauze covering the nose was constantly changed, and finally, a hemostatic needle was used. My mouth is so dry, I didn't expect it to feel like I can't get through my nose. It's so uncomfortable. Because my nose is blocked, I have nowhere to go, and all the secretions go to my eyes! The mucus is so thick and disgusting.

Fortunately, my wife came to help me to eat, and there was afternoon tea. My appetite was good, but my nose was covered with gauze, which made it difficult to eat until the bleeding had stopped at night!


My attending physician came to visit the room at 6:41. He was unable to leave the hospital on Saturday afternoon due to his unstable nose bleeding. He wanted me to stay for another day. No family members came on that day, so he ordered a lunch box from the hospital. Although it is more expensive, but the dishes are quite rich, my appetite is not bad, I have eaten it all!

However, the time is hard! In addition, I may have allergies, and I want to sneeze again. I can only try to snort my nose and let the air come out of my mouth. My lips and throat are very dry. In short, I am embarrassed.

Saturday breakfast
Saturday lunch


The next hospital bed was discharged yesterday, I thought I could have a good rest, but the bed was really hard to sleep, I really missed the bed at home, and I slept until I got cold in the middle of the night. C), I'm so worried that I won't be able to leave the hospital.

Fortunately, after cooling down a little, I urged the nurse to ask the doctor if I could go through the discharge procedures, and finally I could go home. At that time, there were two blood-filled fillers (decomposable) in my nose, which could not be seen from the outside. It's just that the nostrils are bigger. However, don't lift heavy objects within two weeks after the operation, for fear of nosebleeds!

on Monday

I felt dizzy all day at work, and there seemed to be a problem with my body’s temperature regulation. I felt that my body couldn’t get hot all the time. In the evening, I went to the Vietnamese food she longed for with my wife. She helped me to order a large bowl of hot pork soup. Xian, she ordered the hot and sour flavored Tommy noodle. She was already sweating profusely. I was wearing a sleeved shirt and a Gore-Tex jacket. I didn't sweat at all, I just felt so tired. I wanted to sleep. After I went back, I immediately took a long hot shower. I went to bed immediately after eight o’clock. Before going to bed, I took my temperature, which was 38 degrees. I plan to take a leave of absence tomorrow and seek help from a doctor! Maybe the body mechanism has finally woken up, and the body began to sweat ,


In the middle of the night, my wife was not at ease and took my temperature, and asked for leave as scheduled, for fear of infection. This time I went back to see a Chinese doctor. This small operation has made people empty. It was almost noon, and the completely blocked nose could vaguely inhale air on the right side. At night, the same thing happened on the left side. It seems that the nose can be biodegraded. Filling, seems to break down.


I finally managed to go to the doctor. Before seeing the doctor, in fact, the stuffing in my nose had almost decomposed. When the doctor helped me clean my nose, he asked me to blow my nose. Maybe I was afraid, maybe I hadn't done it for a long time. I won't do it, but the right nose is really smooth!

After that, after two weeks after the operation, everything was back to normal!


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