Treasure the nostalgia of an era

Maybe once every few years, he takes it out and touches it, and he is nostalgic for that era, and it is also his achievement when he has been in this world for 20 years, right?

I haven't participated in community activities for a while, and although I've been watching it, I haven't been able to find the opportunity to join. The " My Nostalgic Collection " campaign initiated by@readbigen is about to end, so I decided to share the first collection that popped into my mind.

This is chatting with friends about the antique computer products in his home during the Chinese New Year, and he immediately thought of him lying quietly in the moisture-proof box for a long time:

Just relying on the photos above, if you can immediately recognize the factory brand model, it is really admirable.

After taking out the computer, the first photo I wanted to send to someone was this charming orange light after the power was plugged in. This slightly fainted soft orange was almost one of the important factors in deciding to buy this second-hand product at that time.

Come on, open the top right now and show everyone:

At that time, the touchpad area was still a "micro" touch area, and at that time, the physical touchpad button of the Apple notebook computer was different from the Windows system system, there was only one. The metallic luster of the power button in the upper right corner does not look cheap even after a long time.

A small slot below the touchpad is actually a clever design that allows the top cover to be hooked together when it is closed. The physical feel of pressing the button of this machine every time before turning on the computer is very interesting.

Below the screen reads the series of this Apple laptop: PowerBook G4

Next is a recent photo of the keyboard:

I think this translucent keyboard is also very design flavor. And the italic design of English fonts is also a rare practice. It's a pity that the huge phonetic symbols and Cangjie radicals actually spoil the clean beauty. But at that time, there were basically such standard keyboard configurations on the market.

Flip to the back to prove that this is the "Nostalgia" series:

At that time, Apple was still called " Apple Computer Company " until 2007, when the official founder Steve Jobs officially announced that it would change its name to Apple Inc. , which is still in use today. The iPhone was also released that same year.

This computer also witnessed the strong OEM strength of Taiwan in that era. The whole machine was made in Taiwan, and the material used for the casing was a rare titanium metal (Titanium) . This is actually another reason why I wanted to collect this computer. . There was a period of time when there was an inexplicable hobby for electronic products made of titanium, and as long as the financial situation allowed, I would buy it.

This PowerBook G4 , which was manufactured in 2002, is also called " Titanium Book " by antique fans. In fact, everything has been functioning normally since the purchase. At that time, an external wireless network card was also purchased for him. Yes, notebook computers of that era did not have wireless network functions.

Just after reading the appearance, I want to say that I will turn on the system and share the nostalgic system with my friends. After turning it on:

Stirrup... After the boot sound, the machine is running, and then the above screen appears. Yes, it is very likely that the hard disk is faulty because of the tears of the times, and the system is not normal.

I still remember the sadness at that time. In addition to trying to repair itself for a while, I also found four or five repair points. Unfortunately, because of the age, there is no preparation at all. Only one of them mentioned that you can take it to see the situation and then judge whether it can be repaired.

After hesitating for a while, I thought that maybe this computer should lose its function slowly in this way, but the tactility of the appearance, the shiny power connector, and the overall design that is not outdated, such a classic is still there. . Maybe once every few years, he takes it out and touches it, and he is nostalgic for that era, and it is also his achievement when he has been in this world for 20 years, right?


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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