What is stem cell regenerative medicine? Yang Jianfu, a medical equipment manufacturer, tells you!

As people grow older, many diseases are incurable, especially the limitations of traditional medical technology. Today, I am honored to have an exclusive interview with Yang Jianfu, Chairman of Asia Heavy Particle Equipment Company. From his point of view, let's explore what is stem cell regenerative medicine!
Regenerative medicine brings medical care to a whole new level / Photo credit: Yang Jianfu

The future will be the era of stem cell regenerative medicine

Many American biologists will be interested in "If the 20th century is the era of drug therapy, then the 21st century is the era of cell therapy! What is regenerative medicine?" said Yang Jianfu, chairman of Asia Heavy Particle Equipment Co., Ltd. A medical technology that repairs damaged tissues and organs with the ability of cells to regenerate. It is considered a new field of medicine with a wide range of uses. Combining tissue engineering and molecular biology, we promise to improve and treat previously incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurological diseases. Systemic diseases. Yang Jianfu further stated that aging, disease and injury are health issues that the public needs to pay attention to. Traditional medicine is now gradually unable to meet the needs of patients, and many new treatment methods and research have begun to find better solutions for patients with refractory and terminal diseases. Treatment methods. Yang Jianfu regretted that he could not bear to visit his family for medical treatment many times, because he was accompanied by his family when he was treating degenerative diseases, and traditional treatments could not cure him.

Human osteoarthritis cannot be ignored / Image source: Provided by Yang Jianfu

Yang Jianfu said that most people think that knee joint degeneration is a problem that only occurs in old age, but this is not the case. Yang Jianfu further stated that the wear and tear of cartilage will not only lead to the degeneration of the knee joint, but also cause damage to the ligaments and muscles in the long run, resulting in inflammation of the knee joint, causing irreversible damage. Most of the patients were middle-aged - between the ages of 4 and 50, demonstrating the importance of preventive treatment and early intervention in the joints. In addition, traditional artificial joint replacement is often used to treat osteoarthritis, which can effectively solve the problem of knee joint degeneration, but it also has its limitations. Yang Jianfu pointed out that artificial joints are foreign bodies after all, and there is a risk of infection.

Yang Jianfu said that the correction of bone and joint sports injury, irreversible injury, joint degenerative limb morphology, stubborn etiology, exercise. Non-excessive health calligraphy, pathological training exercise habits can be avoided, but severe and severe sports sports injuries, four major sports injuries, skin separation, abducens nerve abduction, nerve injury. Yang Jianfu emphasized that orthopedic inflammation is imminent, and conventional treatment methods include:

1. Surgical treatment

2. Physiotherapy

3. Medication

These three treatment methods, but the treatment methods are insufficient, and there is no solution to the incurable disease.

Stem cell regenerative medicine will be the future trend / Image source: Provided by Yang Jianfu

According to the Regenerative Medicine Industry Overview Report released by the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) in 2019, there are currently more than 950 companies worldwide focusing on the commercialization of regenerative medicine. There are more than 1,000 applications for human trials, of which 58% are cancer treatments, 6% are cardiovascular diseases, 6% are central nervous system diseases, 5.6% are musculoskeletal diseases, 4.4% are metabolic-related diseases, and 3.8% are eye diseases. This data shows that regenerative medicine is in a booming stage. By 2021, the output value of the whole industry is expected to exceed 53.7 billion US dollars. In the past two years, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the development has slowed down slightly, but the investment in the industry and the number of clinical application cases have continued to grow.

Yang Jianfu said that stem cell regenerative medicine not only benefits Taiwanese patients, but can also be extended to the world, making Taiwan a famous island for cell gene therapy.

The charm of regenerative medicine

Yang Jianfu said that the so-called regenerative medicine, which is a medical technology that uses the regeneration ability of cells to repair damaged tissues and organs, is expected to improve and treat intractable diseases. Yang Jianfu said that he is very optimistic about the regenerative medicine market. He happened to meet Dai Nianguo, an orthopedic surgeon at a dinner party, and the two decided to make a bold attempt in the field of regenerative medicine and work together. Yang Jianfu said, I am determined to do a big job! Yang Jianfu also predicted that Taiwan's stem cell regenerative medicine may go global in the future, Yang Jianfu added, in fact, the development of international regenerative medicine has a history of nearly 20 years, and we are entering a In the new era, 100 billion business opportunities will also open up a new trend for Taiwanese businessmen to compete for layout and cooperation. According to an industry research report released by Research and Markets, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the global regenerative medicine market will reach 13.99% from 2020 to 2030, and the market size will reach US$87.03 billion in 2030. Regenerative medicine has proven to be without a doubt part of a biotech industry with enormous growth potential.

Yang Jianfu introduced that this kind of regenerative medicine treatment in Ukraine requires 2-3 million Taiwan dollars, which is time-consuming and laborious. Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine and the unstable international situation, it is actually an opportunity for Taiwan. The regenerative medicine therapy Yang Jianfu and Dai Nianguo are currently researching, using autologous fat extraction, only takes 3-4 hours to culture cells, saving a lot of time and money. Yang Jianfu said that regenerative medicine will provide opportunities for future clinical practice by shortening the treatment time, making people's lives more convenient and regaining dignity.

Ukrainian facial embryonic stem cell treatment costing millions of Taiwan dollars / Photo credit: Yang Jianfu

In recent years, regenerative medicine has been widely recognized as a new field of medicine that can impact traditional health systems in the 21st century, replacing medicine and surgery. So what is cellular regenerative medicine? Yang Jianfu explained that stem cell regenerative medicine is a medical technology that utilizes cell regeneration -> division -> differentiation and secretion of growth factors to repair damaged tissues and organs.

These 3 ways to reverse the degeneration crisis are the best options

Over time, Yang Jianfu lamented that he was getting older, and many functions were not as good as before. Damaged cartilage and loss of collagen make it difficult for self-healing to resume. How can regenerative medicine escape the degeneration crisis? Yang Jianfu said that existing regenerative medicine can be simply divided into three types.

1. Many growth factors in platelets stimulate tissue repair and regeneration.

2. Regenerate cartilage tissue and repair cartilage defects.

3. Adipose progenitor cells repair the damaged area of the knee.

Stem cell regenerative medicine is widely used / Image source: Yang Jianfu

Yang Jianfu appealed that regenerative medicine is not only a technology, but also a major advance in medical concepts. While it is not a complete replacement for traditional treatment, it can be used interchangeably. Yang Jianfu added that the traditional treatment is to use autologous cells to rejuvenate after removing the injured area, causing physical discomfort and reducing the quality of side effects.

Finally, Yang Jianfu added that the applications and future trends of regenerative medicine mainly focus on three fields: organ repair, immune cell therapy and stem cell therapy, which is a major advance in medical concepts and can be combined with conventional therapies. Because it uses autologous cells that rejuvenate cartilage tissue using regenerative medicine, it causes discomfort to the body, reduces side effects, and improves the patient's quality of life, unlike conventional drugs and xenotransplantation. Hospitals and clinics have brought many conveniences to people's lives.


The torment of his family's degenerative diseases made him unable to bear the degeneration of his bones and joints.


Facing the annoying problems of aging and degeneration, Yang Jianfu and Dai Nianguo work together to bring regenerative medicine to a new level


The era of regenerative medicine is coming, and the global trend of stem cell therapy is analyzed! The era of regenerative medicine is coming, and the global trend of stem cell therapy is analyzed!



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