About Pregnancy: The Journey of Expecting Pregnancy


I have worked hard for more than two years on the road of expecting pregnancy. In fact, I have been a little sad. Every time my period is slow to a day, my mood is always up and down. Every time I can't wait to take a pregnancy test paper Test, but every time only one line comes out to see me, the taste of expecting to fail is really unpleasant.

(By the way, because I wanted to know immediately if I was pregnant, I bought 50 packs of pregnancy test strips in one go. A pack of only 10 yuan is very cheap.

When we encountered a change in the company’s organization, the work pressure was relieved. In addition, we changed the place to rent a new, large, and comfortable rental environment. Then we worked harder to do our homework and hoped that we could get better the result of.

The menstruation time of the month is 6/16-6/20, the ovulation sunset is 6/23-07/02, and some brown discharge began to appear on 7/10, so I started to crawl, and the vast Internet information points to this It's a phenomenon that happens when you're pregnant.

So, I took out the pregnancy test strips that accompany me through each month, and the five-minute wait suddenly became very long. Finally, the second line I was looking forward to appeared as scheduled, although it was only a very, very, very faint trace.

In order to more accurately confirm that I am pregnant, and to solve the problem of brown discharge, I reported to the obstetrics and gynecology department. It is said that the brown discharge is caused by insufficient progesterone. The doctor prescribed me progesterone supplements. The appearance is small, round and white. After a few days of eating, the brown secretions are gone. Of course, you need to rest as much as possible and stay in bed to improve the situation.

The long-awaited little life was successfully born in 40W+2 due to the natural production method and became a treasure among our family members.


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雅兒禮尚往來,希望能在這裡結交一群好朋友👭 我來自台灣,從小生活在澎湖小地方,爾後定居於苗栗,紀錄著原生家庭的故事、友誼長存的閨蜜、愛情的過程、工作的事蹟(小小程式撰寫工程師)、以及育兒大小事(雙寶媽)。
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