Little Sparrow Tour|Pier & Cijin One Day Tour


The weather in the south is always scorching hot, and the asphalt roads are steaming hot. I really don’t want to step out of the door. Even when I go out, I would rather choose to drive or ride a motorcycle.

However, on May 1st Labor Day yesterday, from the afternoon, there was actually a gray cloud layer, which made the temperature much more comfortable, coupled with the slight cool breeze, not going out for a walk would be a waste of this rare and pleasant Kaohsiung.

So I decided to ride a youbike to Peer Huanghuang, and then take a ferry to Cijin roundabout for a week.

Starting from home, there are familiar alleys and shops along the road. As you get closer to Peer 2, the street becomes unfamiliar. You can only rely on the road name and general direction to move forward, but the difference is almost the same. In the end, it becomes the unique building of the Kaohsiung Pop Music Center. When it came into view, it was not far from the two.

I have never visited Peer 2 from the last street before. A row of Coast Guard boats parked in the harbour on the left. The flag at the stern fluttered in the sea breeze. Many people stood on the boat to take pictures. I just rode past it comfortably. , Continue to step on the pedals in the direction of the chair sheet music. It just so happens that a light rail is approaching, the green body is slowly staggering, the speed is not fast, but it is very slow in the holiday pace, and some passengers inside are sticking to the window. , marveled at the scenery of the harbor, I waved to them in my heart, because I was going to their starting point.

Before taking the ferry, I returned the youbike in advance. I didn't want to take the bicycle to the boat. After that, I sat on the white stone chair outside the Zhan 2 library and waited for the next boat shift. Behind it is a singing street performer, next to a pure white merry-go-round, I don’t think about anything, even the lyrics are just humming. He opened the small waves on both sides and got excited unconsciously.

The number of passengers was unexpectedly small. I got on the boat in twos and threes. I rushed to the front and went straight to the viewing area on the second floor. I chose the seat with the best view and sat down, but how could I be able to sit down? The rails stick their heads out overboard, breathing heavily in the smell of the sea, a little salty, mixed with freedom.

I was so excited that I forgot that I would get seasick, so the boat swayed twice with the waves, and I was already dizzy, so I had to sit down quickly and the boat also set off for Cijin.

Every time I go to Cijin, I only walk along Cijin Street, and I have been to Rainbow Church at most. However, today’s goal is different. It is expected to cycle around the whole island.

So I borrowed youbike again, chasing the setting sun like a proud father, leaving a line of bicycle trails beside the gray sandy beach, and taking a silhouette of myself in front of the Rainbow Church, I accidentally discovered a large piece of The campsite, with tents stretching for several miles, soft yellow hanging lights, and cheerful hilarious noises, it turns out that there is such a park in Cijin.

However, Cijin was longer and narrower than I thought, and the sky was darker than I expected. Unfortunately, I couldn't ride to the end, so I had to turn back to Cijin Avenue to eat delicious food.

From day to night, I saw different Kaohsiung scenery, I almost went around Peer and Cijin, and looked at all the corners that I usually didn't pay attention to, but my calves were sore all day long. Exercise, and it's still a long way from home, so I really need a good rest the next day.

The little sparrow began to look forward to the next small trip.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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