"Children's Heart."


Date: 2022.06.04

Location: Kaohsiung City


The little fish swam to the old fish and said, "I want to know where the ocean is?" The old fish replied, "The sea? This is the sea." The little fish replied, "This is obviously just water." - "Soul Turn"

Originally, I just wanted to choose a relaxing movie to eat with food, and I just turned to "Soul Sharp Turn", but now I just flipped to it, but I felt that I was destined to see this movie at this moment.


From taking the dream as the whole of my life to letting go of the dream at this moment, the change in my heart is big, but the life itself has not changed much. I still cook three meals a day, I still buy beer at a discount, I still exercise every day, and I read every day. It seems that something is missing, but everything seems to be the same.


Maybe it’s just that I was addicted to the game of “chasing my dreams”, and I didn’t break the level, but I accidentally logged out. It's just that I accidentally logged out, but after I logged out, I didn't want to go back to the game. After not returning to the game, I feel a little lost. After all, this game used to be my everything, and such a past even occupied most of my life.


The days in the game are very fulfilling and happy. While enjoying the various experiences and fun brought by the game, it seems that life also has meaning. After unconsciously getting used to it, I seem to gradually feel the meaning of life. It is to finish the level of the game, but the fun of the game may never be to finish the level, but to be able to enjoy the level itself.


I don't know why I am writing, but suddenly I have an idea for my next tattoo. I remembered that I made up my mind to lose money and retire from the army four years ago and to find a new life, so I stabbed Jacob, who was wrestling with God, on the right hand in charge of doing things. compromise.


From studying and living in the city at the beginning, to backpacking trips all over Taiwan towns and cities, and then to the days of adventure in mountains, streams, and seasides, I gradually found that the environment that makes me feel comfortable is a place with mountains, sea and sun. , So two years ago, I stabbed this picture on my waist, hoping that I can have a daily life in such a place.


In the past, everyone laughed at him as a big boy who only knew how to play, didn't care about anything, and didn't want anything. Later, he was discharged from the army and became a person full of enthusiasm and courageous pursuit of dreams. In these days, he has never hated his life. After I started to hate it gradually, I thought that what I lost was my dream, but now I realize that what I lost was actually my heart to continue playing with life.


What tattooing wants is to leave a certain picture on the body that has passed through life. Although no new pictures will be added for the time being, if it is to be tattooed now, it is probably the "heart of a child".


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

流浪的人_WANDERER歡迎來信成為筆友,無論你來自哪裡 信箱:traveler77551@gmail.com
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