Faith Diary: "I Bought a Book"

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry; whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
John 6:35

A few days ago, I went to buy books at a discount while Dunnan Eslite was going to close. When I got to the book section, I was surprised to find that there was a Bible that was exactly like me. I thought that Bible was only available in the Christian study room. 😂😂

In addition to seeing the exact same Bible, I also saw a lot of books that I was very interested in, and I wanted to buy each one. I told myself, don't, I'll never finish it.

A Better Redemption - Commentary on Hebrews
From disbelief to belief - Atheism and Theism in Dialogue

Head of Household - A Guide to Christian Family Life Education
You are God's God Teammate - The Wisdom of James
Sherlock Holmes - Back to the Biblical Scene
Illustrated end-time prophecy

Finally, I bought this book 10 Words Jesus Never Said

10 Words Jesus Never Said

But only today, I opened and read the first chapter "I Will Give You Rest".

In this world, we have to worry about the present and the future every day. We run non-stop, some people are to support their families, some people are pursuing worldly fame and fortune or challenging themselves.

During a long and arduous journey, rest is necessary. These things overwhelm us; but we don't stop, resting the soul, resting the mind, resting the body, and finally exhausted.

Jesus' Invitation: Come to Me

Come to me, all toilers and heavy-burdeners! I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Jesus told us to stop! Entrust all your labor and burdens to me, and I will give you strength.

Great book!


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齊一努力經營馬特市的大學人。 歡迎你追蹤我、以 Like 鼓勵我的創作!支持我! 關於我: 2024【秋雨和春雨 • 上帝定成就】
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