꩜The moon is as full as a mirror꩜|Mid-Autumn Festival minus the characters

This poem is not limited to the seven reading methods I have listed. There are no restrictions on three-character, five-character, seven-character, or small order. How you read it and how you appreciate it is all up to you to learn from my Mid-Autumn Festival. I saw your Mid-Autumn Festival and your collection. ꩜The moon is as full as a mirror꩜.
The three-character palindrome of "Palindrome Leiju"

As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, I have specially extracted a three-character palindrome from "Palindromes" as a Mid-Autumn greeting to all readers of this masterpiece of palindrome poetry compiled since the Song Dynasty for thousands of years.


Three words: Zuo Xuan - a wonderful holiday, blooming in autumn, with three colors, yellow, white and red.

Three words: red , white and yellow, plant three colors, bloom in the Mid-Autumn Festival, enjoy the festival.

This three-character palindrome is included in the first volume of "Palindromes". The author is not indicated. It reads more like a small note wrapped in a mooncake during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It makes people laugh. Enjoy the festival together.

If you ate such a beautiful note in a mooncake during the Mid-Autumn Festival, would you carefully wrap it up and keep it?

Maybe, treasure it because this three-sentence palindrome tells your Mid-Autumn Festival🎑. But not mine.

[For a long time, most of the items included in Wailu's " My Poetry Fair " have been my published poems, book reviews, essays or their translations. This Mid-Autumn Festival is an exception for two reasons. Firstly, after seeing the three-sentence palindrome above, I wanted to write about my own Mid-Autumn Festival in a similar way; secondly, most of the published works in Wailunzhong were published through traditional publishing methods and then included in Matters, so for me Generally speaking, it is worth collecting and collecting in the digital space, and in what way the first text is worth collecting. This question has been mentioned repeatedly. The Liker Land team also threw creative ideas to us this Mid-Autumn Festival. Answer. For me, if it resonates, it is worth cherishing . The form of Writing NFT is an opportunity in the digital space for readers who want to collect works, and put the collection on their own bookshelf just like buying a physical book. Therefore, I composed a palindrome with subtracted characters for the Mid-Autumn Festival, published in the form of Writing NFT, for free collection ♥️Collection🔗Pin it to the top of the comment area🙏

My Mid-Autumn Festival is a chain palindrome composed of ten characters. It is called a minus-character chain because one of the main reading methods is the minus-two-character reading. Of course, this word-reduced palindrome is not limited to all the seven readings I have listed. There are no restrictions on three-character, five-character, seven-character, and small order . How you read it and how you appreciate it is up to you. I saw your Mid-Autumn Festival in the Mid-Autumn Festival, your collection. ꩜The moon is as full as a mirror꩜ .

"The Moon is as Full as a Mirror" Mid-Autumn Festival Word Reduction Series® - by Mary Ventura


The five-character pronunciation begins with the word "中":

I worry about leaving during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I have people coming over during the long night.

Read two sentences in five words starting with the word "秋":

People have come in the autumn, and the night is long and sad to say goodbye

Read back two sentences in five words starting with the word "li":

The long night of separation and sorrow, the Mid-Autumn Festival comes

Subtract two characters to read the five characters in sequence and read the five characters back:

Autumn people have come,

People come and stay overnight.

I spend the night worrying about farewell,

I am always sad to say goodbye to autumn.

Autumn parting is long and sad,

Don’t worry about the long nights.

People come over during the long night,

Come here for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Seven words and four sentences read in sequence:

Mid-Autumn Festival is a long night of farewell,

Don't worry about people coming over during the long night.

People come at night and leave during the Mid-Autumn Festival,

Mid-Autumn Festival is a long time for people to part ways.

Read back the seven words and four sentences:

I am always sad to say goodbye to people in autumn,

In the autumn, people come to spend the night.

People come to spend the night and worry about farewell.

The night is long and I am sad to say goodbye in the middle of autumn.

Xiaoling reads in sequence:

Mid-Autumn Festival is about to leave, don’t worry about the long nights, and the people coming here.

The sorrow of parting, the long night, come here, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

" Mid-Autumn Festival " is not the first concrete palindrome poem I have written and published, but it is by far my favorite . I like her arrangement of the full moon, which echoes and fits with the three-character palindrome in the shape of the full moon in "Palindromes"; I also like her seven or eight reading methods, which are so imaginative and unconstrained that when you read a poet, you read your own mood ; moreover, I like her arrangement of the full moon. I like my creative process to be completed in one go, like a full moon, flowing onto the paper as time goes by. Every Mid-Autumn Festival, there is the same full moon, but the mood is different; if you read the same poem again next year, which word will you start from and which word will be subtracted?

[The author reserves all rights. Please leave a message before reprinting and publishing. 】


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