
This article alone, to the lost life. Although they have never known each other, they seem to be affected by some fate. May the deceased rest in peace.

A few days ago, I went to a tavern on a mountain with my family for dinner. The first time I went there, the tavern had some American style, and it was in the mountains, and it was cool at night. A few people sat outside and had a drink, a few people chatted at the bar, and a few people played darts.

I accidentally met an old acquaintance in the store, only to know that most of the people here live nearby, and they should be super regular customers when they interact with each other. A friend told me that there would be a party later and asked me if I wanted to stay and play.

I wonder how these ordinary days still have such interest, but when you think about partying, it's actually a group of people drinking and chatting, let's spend that beautiful day.

But later I learned that the party that night was to mourn a friend who also often went to the pub to play.

He left during the recent forest fire.

As soon as I heard the news, I felt like I was hit hard by something. There were more and more people in the store, all with smiles on their faces. They ordered wine, sat down in a familiar corner, and chatted all over the world.

I guess their daily life is probably like this. Every weekend, as long as you walk here, you can meet familiar people.

It's just that no one thought that on a certain ordinary day, a certain drinking session would be the last time.

I heard whispers from the elders, saying that the people who died in this fire are really not worthy of sympathy. After all, in the current epidemic, who is going to sing? Playful, deserve it.

In the same way, I also heard it when the Eight Immortals were in a dust storm. Young people, if they are not doing their jobs, they are just having fun, and they deserve it.

deserve it.

Who in this world deserves this calamity?

I have no idea. Later, when I talked to the students about this in class, I just said that maybe the older generation can't understand the entertainment of young people. The student said, no matter what, the sin is not to die for, how can the elders talk like that.

Going to the box to sing, going to a large party, going to a hot fried stall, going to a pub, or going for a hike, going to the mountains and water, isn't it life? It seems that as long as the music is too loud and the lights are too dim, it will be labeled as some kind of idler, which is a sin, which is strange.

Thinking about it, I told my students, in fact, it is difficult for me to ask someone to sympathize with someone, or, for someone like this, young people who are considered "playful" in the eyes of some people don't need this kind of sympathy at all.

I just don't understand, why is playfulness a bad thing?

I tell my children that many times, there are some very good days, that is, you should love those times and do something happy. Those laughing lives are beautiful, exuberant, and desirable.

why? For the beauty of this world is always fleeting.

"This year's laughter will return to next year, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will be leisurely."

I copied these two lines of poetry on the blackboard.

What's the meaning? Just play, have fun, change this year to next year, this is the same every year, and enjoy the scenery luxuriously. What is leisure, leisure is casual, these good days are over casually.

What are the next two sentences?

"My brother walked to the army and my aunt died, and Mu went to the court to come to the color."

Sorry, the next sentence is not beautiful. All the prosperous and joyful things in the world, if they say that they collapse, they will collapse, and people will grow old in an instant.

I tell the students, life, time, you think he is going at constant speed, but it never is.

It only takes a moment to leave, you turn back suddenly, and there is nothing left. It only takes a moment to grow old. One day when you look up, there will be one thing, several things, hit your heart hard, and then you find that the one you loved has passed away, and then you find that you are old. For a moment.

Live like summer flowers and die like autumn leaves.

When Tang Xianzu died that year, he wrote:

"Looking at Hua Panyue's ordinary things, I'm afraid that it will be worthless when the spring returns."

Those ordinary and beautiful things are like a spring day, nothing special at all, nothing to remember, nothing to care about, until spring is gone, nothing is left, and it will never come again.

The so-called life.

Ordinary days, small good days, days that won't come back.

So, do you know why Du Liniang hurts that spring full of gardens and no one asks?

Do girls in their teens really know what old age is?

However, she is solidly growing old.

Some people understand it, and in an instant, they realize that the fleeting, reluctant day and night will suddenly be unbearable. There are certain moments in our lives when we do realize that those wonderful things, wonderful people, our wonderful teens and twenties, will never come back.

The situation is that the day of youth is coming to an end, and the peach blossoms are falling like red rain.

You see that the flower is blooming, and your heart has already started to hurt. One by one, blooming and withering occurred almost at the same time.

Just like when Su Dongpo woke up in that rain, he said, "He Shu was a ill young man, and his illness has turned white."

Sometimes I think people don't understand a life in order to be so cold about its passing.

But his, your, and my life are not all fading away, who is worthy and who is not?

At that time, I was sitting in the tavern, imagining the person who left. I don’t know how long ago, I should also be sitting here happily drinking small wine and chatting with people. At that moment, life is full, Youth dances.

Those who say what they deserve, they will not know the person who left, where he used to laugh and where he loved. There was no way he could feel that life, so commonplace, like anyone in that tavern pouring laughter into wine glasses and toasting everyone.

And after all, no one knows that this year's laughter will not be next year's.

The brilliant moment was disillusioned in a blink of an eye.

I just watched in the tavern, people silently mourned the deceased with their usual laughter. They laughed, laughing as they always did, only occasionally someone broke the embankment in an instant.

I think they are people who know how to laugh, people who know how to laugh, and people who know how to love.

Sitting in the soft light of that group of laughter, I really don't know how to look at this world indifferently, I don't know how to avoid heartache.

(Only this article, to the lost life. Although I have never lived, it seems to be affected by some fate. May the deceased rest in peace.)

Don't be frightened by wine, fall asleep in spring,

Gambling books eliminate the fragrance of tea.

It was just normal at the time.

——Nalan Xingde <Huanxisha>

(Original post published on May 15, 2020 )


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陳茻異端思想研究者。無牌教育者。創作歌手。與點堂堂主。 工作相關寄到信箱
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