【TCLin's Travel Log】Japanese Food: Rishiri Island - Mira Ramen🍜🍜

Delicious Japanese local ramen👍👍 Walk by, pass by, don't miss it 唷😋😋😋

🔴 -Not the latest information, for reference only

I have shared a lot of attractions and life. Today, I will introduce Japanese food. I recommend the ramen I think is very good for everyone.

Location: Rishiri Island, Hokkaido Transportation: Cycling around the island

Before introducing the food, let's take a look at the beautiful Rishiri Island. It was taken on the opposite Rebun Island. It's really beautiful👍👍

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

The picture above is the scene after the snow has melted 👆

Let's see when the snow doesn't melt👇

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

When it's not melted, the top is white

🔴 - Some people think it looks like Mount Fuji on the island, so it is also called Rishiri Fuji

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

Okay, after watching the beautiful scenery, let's go to the food. It is called the most difficult ramen shop in the country by the Japanese.

🔷 - らーめん 味楽 - 🔷

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

At that time, the ramen shop I passed by cycling around the island is one of the ramen I have eaten so far, and it is also one that I really want to visit again. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

🔵 - Grilled Soy Sauce Ramen- 🔵

It's the name of the ramen I ordered today and the one-point pan-fried dumpling is super delicious for lunch 😋😋😋
And it won't be too salty and the soup will be consumed by me

Anyone who has eaten ramen in Japan should know that many times the soup is salty for Taiwanese people, but I think this one is very good.

◆ Rishiri Island◆ Source: me

There are people who like to eat ramen or people who collect delicious Japanese ramen who have the opportunity to really come and try this place, I really recommend it👍👍👍

Rebun Island attractions look here🗻🗻
Wen Yue
northernmost limit - Cape Sukudon
Park in the North


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