Reading pen farming | Do tasks to get DSM airdrop rewards (including teaching)

Reduce the burden of switching windows and help everyone get DSM airdrop rewards.

This article is based on the #Desmos reward program process announced by @Terence  on its IG, to reduce the burden of switching windows as much as possible, and to help everyone get DSM airdrop rewards.

The original IG announcement of mcLaren.Tee

■ Preparation: Track Accounts

◍ Follow Terence's IG account (and take a screenshot).
◍ Follow Terence's Twitter account (and take a screenshot).

If you don't have a Twitter account, make sure to sign up for it, set a profile picture, introduce yourself, and have more than 20 followers. I also leave my Twitter account here to help contribute a head.

■〖Task 1a〗Install Forbole X wallet, receive/pay practice

✅ Install wallet

Open the Chrome browser, go to the online application store, and search for the Forbole X plugin . This is also a wallet. The installation steps are the same as the previous Kelpr and MataMask wallets. Everyone should be familiar with it⇩!

Forbole X wallet registration tutorial
Forbole X wallet registration tutorial

✅ Practice collecting money

The next step is to practice "receiving money", copy your wallet address, paste it in your email, and send it to ⇩ together with the screenshot of Terence's IG tracking.

Practice collecting money

✅ Practice payments

After that, wait for the other party to send some DSM tokens to your wallet, and then you can send some back to the other party at will. For convenience, just play 0.1 DSM⇩!

The focus at this time is to find out the wallet address of the other party, which can be reverse-checked from the transaction record⇩.

practice payment
practice payment

So far, task 1a is completed. At this time, a new record of "you send money to the other party" will be added to the transaction record. I have taken a screenshot① of it. Although the official did not ask for it, it is a small effort! will be used eventually.

■〖Task 1b〗Leave a comment

Go back to the online app store again, search for the Forbole X plugin , click on the comment area, leave your valuable comments, and take a screenshot ② ⇩.

message, screenshot

At this point, 1b is completed.

■〖Task 1c〗Share posts (for the first time)

Share this IG post (Title: Mission for DSM Supplement - Mission Summary so far) to your time- limited feed. The computer version of IG doesn't seem to be able to release limited motion, so please use the app version to operate (small plane button), and take a screenshot ③.

Take a breath and check with everyone, you should have three screenshots by now, and then we're going to mission 2!

■〖Task 2〗

1️⃣ Introduction

2️⃣ Make your Twitter account compliant

As already mentioned, be sure to set a profile picture, introduce yourself, and have more than 20 followers, and form a screenshot ④ ⇩.

3️⃣ Follow Terence's Twitter account

It has been mentioned , form a screenshot ⑤ ⇩.

Read Bigen's Twitter

4️⃣ Share the post (second time)

Share this IG post (Title: Doing tasks for DSM(2) ) to your time-limited news. It is also operated by the App version (small airplane button). This time, you must tag three friends , and you must be interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain… … Those who are interested are especially welcome.

what! You say you don't know how to tag, let me teach you:

Share the IG limit and tag three friends

This is the last screenshot ⑥.

5️⃣ Email

Take the accumulated screenshots ①②③④⑤⑥ together and email them to, and finally get the final level. In order to make the recipient's homework more convenient, paste your wallet address again.

■ Epilogue

At present, I have sent an email, waiting for the good news; according to the information of@JohnShao, I will receive 88 DSM rewards at that time.

Perhaps the most difficult part is the preparation of a "compliant Twitter account". If you need to track each other, you can communicate with each other in the message area. This is my Twitter account.

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