Money is blown by strong winds: HI coin airdrop project [Xiao wool]


Qianzhen has heard about the HI airdrop project, which is a universal cross-ecological mobile payment and financial service platform. It was founded by Stefan Rust, the former CEO of, and Sean Rach, the former CMO of The project investors include Tencent and Alibaba. , Morgan Stanley and other giants.

Currently, two social applications, Telegram and WhatsApp, are supported for free registration ( click to open the registration link address , it is recommended to use my invitation code: tumutanzi). After registration, I can manually receive HI coins every day. At most, I received 100 HI coins a day. Anyway, it was fun without spending a penny.

The latest information shows that this airdrop project is progressing faster than expected. At present, the HI coin has a price, which is about $0.63 a piece. I looked at my account and it was actually worth more than $600. It's wool that doesn't cost a penny, and the wind blows over it. Of course, the HI coins of new users need to be locked for one year before they can be released for trading - after all, the project party does not want everyone to get it now and then sell it all.

This kind of marketing is still relatively common in the crypto world. For example, in last year's HEX coin airdrop project, many friends could easily get tens of thousands of HEX coins. At the beginning, a HEX coin was almost worthless. reliable. Now that it was released after being locked for a year, it is almost a dollar a piece, and it has come out of its own independent market... It is really hard to figure out. So, in the world of cryptocurrencies, sometimes it’s true: money is blown by the wind.

It's okay to not spend any money to participate. If you are interested, you can also participate, maybe you will get a surprise, free registration address (recommended to use my invitation code: tumutanzi): ( top-level domain name, the value is not Philippine). Because you need to use Telegram and WhatsApp, you need to use scientific methods to surf the Internet, you know.

you are welcome!


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