The story of Asia Magic

From unsplash

During the journey, you will inevitably encounter many local people looking for you to chat, especially when waiting for the bus. Two days ago, I was looking forward to the arrival of my bus, and I chatted with my friends on the line, because I happened to be waiting for the bus in front of a university, and a white student stood directly next to me, and said at the beginning that I like this dress you are wearing, and then Nice to meet you...

So I was too embarrassed to ignore him, so I had to let him introduce his background, and then while talking, he suddenly asked if I was also a student and only 25 years old? At this time, I was guilty, so I had to tell him my age It's a girl's secret XD, but he himself is only 25...

He also honestly said that they have never understood the age of Asians. Some of them seem to be very young, but they are not. This reminds me of the story of "Asia Magic".

By the way, when my friend went to a bar to play, the clerk also took their ID and looked at them for a long time, thinking that they looked like underage, and then my friend told the clerk, this is "Asia Magic"....

But in fact, I can't tell the age of foreigners very well, plus I have a little face blindness, and often confuse foreigners I have seen, so it is normal for foreigners to not know the age of Asians....


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開掛人生☕️贊助我) 恭喜你,看到我的文章代表你要開掛了XD 大家好,我是abundancelife 開掛人生! 藉由寫作體驗無限大的人生。
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給自己一個gap year

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