"Arcane" comes from the heart, is my enemy

When a person has a target he wants to protect, he begins to become weak.

When a person has a target he wants to protect, he begins to become weak.

Vander led the people from the bottom city to the bridge, and the law enforcers in the upper city fought each other to kill each other. In the end, he only had the group of children from Vi, no, he still carried the bottom on his shoulders. city of peace.

On the contrary, Silco created "Shimmer" in order to implement the concept. Even if it is a substance that can harm the human body, it is a powerful force. Only the power can create the future and peace of the people of Decheng, but when He found that Powder was just like himself back then, so he projected himself on her, and from that moment, Silko was doomed to destruction.

Toy monkey burst attack

Fei'ai loves Powder more than she trusts, and can't take her to the dangerous operation to rescue Vander. However, in order to prove his usefulness, Powder has a clever idea to let the little monkey carry the blue stone, and explode the scene of lose-lose , and his own casualties were heavy.

Bakuba couldn't accept the loss of her family that she caused, so she put her hatred on Fei'ai's abandonment. In order to protect her heart, she pointed her finger at the outside, like a hedgehog's defense, and formed Jinx.

The four people are in a state of mutual radiance. No one is really weak, but they all fall into their own state of mind and become weak. They lose the explosion of their family again. Launch Despair to Uptown.

What comes from the heart is my enemy.

"Arcane" is arranged in chapters. The content of the nine episodes is rich and complex, but the audience will not feel complicated enough to understand. The following three points are introduced, the face of the enemy:

1. Uptown: The future of Piltover

Uptown young scientists Jayce and Viktor, who created Hextech, found a way to stably use blue stone as an energy source to realize the "magic" of transportation, above. The city therefore built the "Hexfeit Gate", which became the largest transportation hub in the world.

The subtlety of this work lies in the layout of each scene. The previous content will put some small clues to give you a chance to make an impression. Even if you don't find it now, maybe when it comes to the scene, there will be a "Wait, Did something happen just now?” and looking back at the moment is a lot of fun for some viewers (like me).

Episode 4 "Happy Progress Day! ” and the sixth episode “Let the Wall Fall”, the relationship between Hammerdinger and his apprentice Jesse is a good example of echo.

At the beginning of the fourth episode, the scientist who founded Uptown: Heimerdinger, lit up the fire at the dawn of the day and greeted the current superstar ─ ─ Jesse.

As Hammerdinger's eyes went up, the audience was raised with the question: what was he seeing?
But the audience only saw him lighting the lamp by the wall, and then the picture turned into the sun breaking at dawn.
As if the building carries the sunrise, Hammerdinger's voice welcomes Jesse, telling the history of Piltover, a great scientist who sacrificed himself.
Jesse said he never knew about this character, and Hammerdinger said the greatness of this man was that he cared about the future of Uptown people.

In the previous paragraph, in about a minute, Hammerdinger laid a foreshadowing, and the role of this seed will be revealed in the sixth episode. In the second half, Hammerdinger told Jesse that this year's Progress Day would be his speech because Hexfield created an unprecedented pomp and benefited the people of Uptown.

Episode 6 "Let the High Wall Fall", after the threat and damage of the bottom city, in order to gain more power, so that Hex technology can be applied to weapon manufacturing, Jesse proposed in the council to let Hammer, who blocked the development of technology Dinger retired.

Hammerdinger begs Jesse not to do this, but Jesse believes that Piltover must move forward, and Hammerdinger will always be the father of Piltover.
The council voted unanimously, and when the last light fell on Jesse, the reflection became crystal clear in Hammerdinger's eyes, adding to the sentimentality of the audience.

If it is said that "progress" symbolizes progress, continuous progress, and progress by any means, does that mean the future?

What kind of future do uptown people want? After watching nine episodes, the audience can't know the answer, but we know what kind of future Hammerdinger, and the scientists who founded Piltover, want - a future of peace and progress.

Witnessing how the magicians 200 years ago destroyed people's lives, constantly plundering and attacking for the sake of personal strength, and escaping the tragedy of the magicians, the one who lives to this day is Hammerdinger.

The nameless scientist, who lit a lamp for him, was to be reflected in his own eyes and reminded that there was a man who gave selflessly, although few people knew him, but he was carved in Piltover's Having a seat on the wall is to remind the public that what scientists call "progress" is for the future of Piltover, everyone's future, not selfish achievements and interests.

After introducing this character, Hammerdinger told Jesse that he would give a speech at this year's Progress Day, and he agreed, because "Hex Flying Gate" is to lead everyone to a better and more progressive future. .

However, the light in Hammerdinger's eyes was sharply wiped out by the white cold light falling from the sky. The person who personally took down the seat of the council was actually the apprentice Jesse.

The light of this moment turned into a symbol of tears, not only the sentimentality of the audience, but also the unbearableness of Hammerdinger, because what he saw was not the future of Piltover, and never again.

2. Enforcer: Caitlyn

Jesse's patrons are Caitlin's parents, and her mother is one of the members of Congress. The family is powerful. Caitlin has no air of being a eldest lady. When she grows up, she becomes a law enforcer. Outside TOEFL's tent, it was as if she was "enshrined" in a safe area. Caitlin took advantage of the opportunity to investigate the explosion of the spacecraft's cargo. She had a goal in her heart. It was not until the fifth episode "Everyone Wants to Be My Enemy" that it was officially announced. revealed.

Caitlin participated in a shooting competition when she was a child, and the opponent was an adult. At this time, the audience could already feel that Caitlin was very good since she was a child! After smashing the last target, she saw the adult next to her, who was already holding a gun but did not shoot - that person was the sheriff who appeared in the first chapter: Grayson.

Although Caitlin won the honor, she questioned that her parents bought Grayson to win the game. Grayson only smiled and said that she learned to use a gun to protect the people of Piltover. This is her goal, but why did Caitlin want to Learning to use a gun? What is her goal?

Piltover in the distance turned into a prison through a transition. Back to the current time line, Caitlin was about to find someone related to the bombing, and happened to meet the prisoner Fei.

From Grayson's goal to Caitlin's goal, the transition is very good, and it also indirectly reveals that under the influence of a huge family, she is like a prisoner, longing for an independent and free life.

Caitlyn shows off the skills of a sharpshooter, saves Faye from dying, escapes from Shirko's (formerly Vander's) men, and soon we find that aiming at the robotic arm continuously, rather than putting it to death, Caitlyn's The goal is very clear, "saving" rather than "killing". In the process of pursuing justice in her heart, she also faced the enemy in her heart—the truth.

And this enemy, hidden in the ninth episode of the kidnapping incident, the truth that Caitlin is pursuing, whether or not it will appear in the second season, I am looking forward to it.

3. In Search of Eternity: Viktor

Victor, who supported Jesse in the development of Hextech and became a co-developer, although little known, is an important partner of Jesse; a crutch who cannot leave his body, can't stand on the podium with Jesse and speak for the people , but is an important researcher of Hextech.

His obsession started with the decline of the body.

Ever since he learned that his condition was getting worse, Jesse, who has been on the rise, has the power of a member of parliament, but he has forgotten the agreement between the two, that technology should be used to help the disadvantaged, that is, the people in the bottom city. Xi is busy resisting the people of Decheng.

Victor and Jesse are in the hex gate building. Maintenance workers are replacing the energy unit. Viktor explains to Jesse the original goal, but Jesse only wants to protect the hex gate, and the people of uptown. Safety.

Victor looked down at several blue rays of light, and a certain vision inspired him in an instant. He decided to continue to the laboratory to try how to use the Hex core to help his own life-however, he vomited blood and fell down.

The blood on the table suddenly flowed, and a drop of blood floated into the air, which was absorbed by the Hex core, and then escaped into the unknown world.

Victor once said that if all the runes are arranged and combined for the same goal, but there is more than one use of "arcane", it means that the runes themselves think and adapt, that is to say, the runes learn by itself.

Organisms can grow rapidly from the energy of the Hex's core, but they also wither and die very quickly, and no life can last...except Victor. At least in part of his attempts, his dying life was revived, however, out of control.

Mixing the energies of Shimmer and Hex core, will Victor come back to life, or become a monster, or, perhaps, become some kind of new human, to continue the meaning of life?

Frustrated by the limitation of life, scientists have a strong desire from the heart, what will the Hex core grow into? Is there still light in the future of Shangcheng people?

From the heart is my enemy

Compared with the previous article , these two seemingly opposite titles are actually talking about the same thing:

Whether it's your enemy or mine, it's two-sided.

How can the enemy be two-sided?

If one day, scientists can invent an instrument to detect the inner activities of human beings, they may be able to find out why love and hate are called two different emotions, but they are produced by the same emotion.

A person's biggest enemy is himself, and the enemy that arises in his heart is the enemy of the enemy, so he can become a friend. We may feel relieved or fearful, but we are both our own enemies and friends. This two-sided relationship will continue until we understand ourselves better, and we can understand enemies and friends. Eventually, we may be able to find what we want. The direction to go, not just facing enemies and friends.

The enemies depicted in Arcane are far less than the enemies we face, but the stories are like snowflakes falling from the sky. Even if the pieces are similar, they are dedicated to us who are unique.

from the unique ones.

Image source: Netflix

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