If you like "Les Miserables", you should go to the French Academy

What if the French stopped using standard French? Fall of the Académie française
It is also an old article. It was written a few days after the burning of Notre Dame in 2019. At that time, I just returned from France. Later, I expected to go again in the summer of 2020. I did not expect to encounter an epidemic. My friend expected to visit me in Taiwan in the winter of 2020 or at the beginning of this year. As a result, it was Taiwan’s turn in May before the epidemic eased in France. Maybe I can only go to Paris for the Paris Olympics in three years, or maybe I won't see friends again in this life.

When I went to Paris, I photographed the French Academy, where Hugo was an academician. On the way, he saw the poor woman being despised, but the police ignored her, and the prestigious Hugo eventually helped her. And because of this experience, he was inspired to write the world-famous "Les Miserables".

The French Academy is the place where the French grammar is formulated, the French dictionary is edited, and the French culture is protected. The selected academicians are tenured, and they are also the top writers of each era, such as Montesquieu, Voltaire, Dumas... Waiting for the French writers, there is still Cheng Baoyi of Chinese descent, and they can even wear swords that only nobles in ancient times had.

Those who can be elected as academicians definitely have a very high literary status and are respected by the general public. Even as a foreigner, I am in awe every time I pass by.

When French friends see the traditional Chinese books I brought from Taiwan, they will always ask me curiously: Is the text in it in Taiwanese or Chinese. Because they don't know that the Taiwanese we are referring to refers to Hokkien (dialect), although it can be written, but not everyone can read it, and they are even less likely to understand what the traditional chinese we use?

Before explaining the differences and history between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese with French friends. A side note: Can you imagine a day when the French don't use standard French, while people in French-speaking Canada or former French colonies still use it?

It is estimated that if this happened in France, it would be very humiliating to the proud French.

My friend said: France is doing this right now, changing grammar for the convenience of schoolchildren, so we hate "academies", they say that e can replace ê, and rendez-vous can be written as rendezvous!

I haven't studied linguistics myself, but there are obvious differences between French and English. Many words are in ê, that is, French retains Latin characters. If they are written as e, it will become unclear whether the word is English or French. This is not protecting French culture at all, it is hurting her.

After the chat, the favorability of French friends towards Taiwan has increased rapidly, and even the French who value culture have lost their traditions. We should be proud of the persistence of the Taiwanese.

Notre Dame before the fire

L'hôtel des Invalides that made the Swiss Rousseau patriotic

Those who have watched the French TV series "Versailles" should be familiar with the Invalides ( L'hôtel des Invalides) in Paris. King Louis XIV of France launched a totalitarian rule and caused many casualties when building the Palace of Versailles. The country deserves glory in war, but when he returns to the motherland, he is treated unequally.

After a strike and coordination, King Louis XIV of France finally ordered the construction of a wounded hospital, which has received veterans. This place also includes the fifth most visited historical museum in France, the French Military Museum (Musée de l'Armée), but so far it has also There are many veterans and disabled soldiers living here.

Like many museums in Paris, there is also a life part to visiting history. The tombs of Napoleon and his relatives are also here.

And Rousseau once mentioned in "The Reverie of a Lonely Rambler", "Seeing these soldiers who once fought for the country can stimulate one's patriotic sentiments", but please remember that in the eyes of many French people, Rousseau is not France at all. people! related articles

Later, he found out that the kind old man who used to be kind suddenly ignored him, and he was delusional again and felt that his stigma had been spread.

(If you happen to read Rousseau's book, you will feel it)

You can refer to another article I wrote

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