27 Earn Block Chat Time | Binance Zero Fee


Whether you are a Binance user or not, you must have heard that on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of Binance, some bitcoin transactions are free of charge, and there is no announcement about the end of the discount. At present, it seems that it will continue at least until the anniversary event. after.

This good news is a little exciting and surprising. After all, it is a very special situation in the blockchain field. We all understand that any on-chain operation requires the payment of handling fees. No matter how large or small the funds are, they will always escape. However, the operating costs are incurred, and the trading of cryptocurrencies has to bear the cost loss in the middle. It sounds very reasonable. There is a handling fee for buying and selling stocks, not to mention the cryptocurrency market. However, Binance breaks such market practices and imitates the At the moment of the US stock brokerage, excluding spot transactions except for leverage operations, some bitcoin pairs are exempt from handling fees.

Binance originally had the advantage of profit in trading, and it was possible to obtain almost zero-risk returns based on the frequent operations of users, but now it has released the returns. It is to stimulate the transaction volume of Bitcoin, and perhaps expand the development of other businesses.

I am happy to see such good news, and hope that through some market competition, other exchanges will be forced to follow up with zero-fee products and gradually increase the benefits of users. At present, if there is still a positive release, will it aggravate the high-risk investment strategy and cause a wider range of damage to the currency circle? It is unknown, at least it is a change.

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