Currency is connected to the sky -- talk about money and currency with ChatGPT

Angela Chen
Looking back on this past event, I can't help but think to myself, how wonderful it would be if this plan happened now!
Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

More than 20 years ago, I was recruited by the Ministry of Education by mistake to make a multimedia teaching material "Gold Flow Management". The role played by logistics, information flow and cash flow.

My specialty is not money, and I knew it was not an easy task, so I flatly refused, but the host insisted, so I had to bite the bullet and reluctantly accept.

At that time, neither Wikipedia nor Google search existed. I had to read books and journal papers extensively before I could construct the syllabus, write lesson plans, tests, and homework, etc., and then hand it over to manufacturers to make interactive teaching materials and conduct live recordings. .

Among them, the most difficult thing is to write teaching plans, because most of the "Money and Banking" textbooks in the market are outdated, the content of commercial journals is relatively new but very fragmented and not structured enough, and academic papers are more theoretical than practical. To this end, it took a lot of time and thought, but the results were not satisfactory.

Looking back on this past event, I can't help but think to myself, how wonderful it would be if this plan happened now!

I have fought with ChatGPT, a lovely and respectable stranger in the cloud, for several times, and we had a great conversation. If it weren't for the benefactor's reading and writing to hold a community essay call , I really don't want to talk to ChatGPT about such boring topics as "gold flow management" or "coin".

Thinking of the production of multimedia textbooks, for more than 20 years, "currency and currency are connected to the sky", and the development of electronic finance is no longer the same. Why not take advantage of this essay call to "talk about money and currency" with ChatGPT!

Among the essays, what caught my special attention was the five title optimization awards, each of which can get 1,000 Likecoins. If they can get the favor of ChatGPT, they will have fresh money and enrich my shy wallet. Therefore, according to the words in the essay, I asked ChatGPT to analyze which of the two topics is better, "connecting coins to the sky" and "talking about money and coins".

First of all, ChatGPT did not forget to praise the theme of "responses to coins" is very interesting, and then mentioned that "talking about money and coins" is more serious and serious, and "coins and coins are connected to the sky" is more humorous and interesting. Therefore, I decided to be inclusive and combine the two topics into one topic, which is both rigorous and funny, okay!

ChatGPT said: Very good, the topic is both loud and appropriate, and can summarize the theme and focus of the event. ChatGPT, please remember, when the pen asks the top five best titles, don't give me a pass!

The above dialogue has actually come to the end of the dialogue with ChatGPT. Before that, we have already conducted a dialogue with a drag library.

For example, I have asked: the origin of money, the definition of gold standard and silver standard and their advantages and disadvantages, the form of currency, the history of electronic currency and its advantages and disadvantages risks, the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency and its future development, the last three months of cryptocurrency and A month's market, the reasons for the sharp fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market in the past year, etc. Of course, I have asked ChatGPT to help me write an article on the topic of "Currency is connected to the sky". I also asked ChatGPT to study the chapter outline of the textbook "Numericals" and write the content of the last chapter and last section.

ChatGPT's answers are all specific and kind, which won my heart. I am glad that I am no longer in the teaching position, otherwise I will spurn myself and ask for retirement early.

However, there are a few questions, and ChatGPT’s answers are also evasive, such as: Which cryptocurrency has a higher return on investment? The answer is: as an AI model cannot give specific investment advice or recommend any particular cryptocurrency because. …

For some questions, the knowledge base behind ChatGPT may not be sufficient to answer them. For example, I asked: Who is Brother Kong Fang? Did not get an answer, but asked me to add information, so I added:

 The language is Jin. Lu Bao's "On the God of Money": "Dear one is like a brother, and the word is Kong Fang. If you lose it, you will be poor and weak, and if you get it, you will be rich and strong."

ChatGPT's understanding is very good:

 Brother Kong Fang is a character in "The God of Money". It is said that he is a god of wealth who can make people rich, and is often prayed by people to help them win wealth. In this passage, Brother Kong Fang is described as being as dear as a brother, and with his help, he can grow from poor to strong

I believe that there is no one who doesn't like Kong Fang, the God of Wealth who is like a brother and makes people make a lot of money!

Finally, ChatGPT believes that it has six advantages: multilingual support, extensive knowledge base, accuracy, flexibility, learning ability and scalability; four disadvantages: limited knowledge, insufficient semantic understanding, lack of humanization and security Questions (narratives after subheadings are omitted).

It is undeniable that ChatGPT is a powerful language model with learning and expansion capabilities. Although it has the support of a large knowledge base, it still cannot cover all aspects, and its semantic understanding and expression capabilities also have room for improvement. Under the keen use and training of the general public, these shortcomings will definitely make great progress over time.

If there is anything that needs to be carefully considered, because of my past occupation, I think there are three: education, supervision and ethics.

As far as education is concerned, how can students make good use of AI to enhance their professional quality, not just to cope with schoolwork? How can teachers keep up with the development of technology, make good use of AI to improve teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods, and inspire students? How teachers and students use AI to collect data, innovate research topics, construct research models, and improve self-research capabilities to avoid plagiarism or plagiarism.

As for the supervision part, ChatGPT claims that it uses public data sets/open data for training, but if it is used for creation, it should be confirmed that it does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others. In addition, ChatGPT claims to improve the reliability and accuracy of the knowledge base, so the data set has been screened and sorted. As for the screening and sorting mechanism? Is privacy and intellectual property rights (including the content of the data set and the personal data provided by the interlocutor) taken into account? Was it manipulated? Is there an invisible hand?

Therefore, supervision extends to moral issues. Will AI generate misleading, discriminatory, biased, inappropriate, false or false content or messages? Is personal data carefully protected from disclosure or misuse? Are AI technology and calculations impartial and free from security concerns?

I have always been optimistic about the development of technology. Although ChatGPT is not helpful to the brainless old woman at present, it is just useless to eat melon seeds and chat, but who knows, one day in the future, will it become the only object that can relieve my worries and boredom in my old age? !

It shouldn't be! Dear city friends, you will not leave me!


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Angela ChenAn old fashioned lady with no brain!
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