✨Small high-quality gypsophila Melaleuca ghost, pure and transparent✨

The green ghost is also known as the ghost horse attracting fortune

🎉🎉🎉Gypsophila Melaleuca Phantom Features: Gypsophila means that the distribution of ghosts is scattered and irregular, and the stars exist in the crystal of white crystal. Crystals.
The main shape of the green ghost this time is a thousand layers of layers, with high purity and no other cotton wool. It is a rare crystal product on the market.

✨The source of the pictures and texts in this article is created by the author himself✨

✨The source of the pictures and texts in this article is created by the author himself✨

💖Career Wealth: Generally green crystals symbolize wealth. The green color of the Green Ghost can bring good fortune to people. The Green Ghost assist allows the wearer to be like a duck to water in their career, their careers are soaring, and they can get along well with colleagues. and harmonious. Increase the communication with people, increase the trust of others, and improve the boss's attention to the wearer, so as to have the opportunity to be promoted.

💖 Town house to ward off evil spirits: The Green Ghost is also a very good amulet with the effect of exorcising evil spirits.

💖Healthy body: Green is in the middle of the spectrum and is the most balanced color. When you are stressed, you can use the green ghost to relax your mind. Green corresponds to the fourth chakra "heart chakra", which heals the heart, lungs, lymph glands, etc. energy effect.

💖 Corresponding crystal for lack of wood in the Five Elements: Green Ghost

💖Green ghost is suitable for health: cardiopulmonary, immune system, thymus, lymph glands, heart disease, high blood pressure, dyspnea, insomnia, anger, cancer.

✨The source of the pictures and texts in this article is created by the author himself✨

Fan group: The original intention is very good


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☀️ 藍綠漸層拉絲螢石☀️

