Nerdle Problem Solving Record(25)

Today's (February 13) topic (nerdlegame 25) is weird enough to say it. I don't want to try to get a 6/6 result four times. I leave [66-55=11] and I can see which one is on the left by looking at AB. Although I gave up a quarter and a chance to get a 3/6, but in exchange for 100%, I can finish the job 4/6. , the value of the stroke rate is higher.

Today's (February 13) topic (nerdlegame 25) is weird enough to say it. Throw [9*8-0=72] first as an example.

it's interesting

There are two symbols, which means that the equal sign cannot be in the fifth square, that is, the answer will not be a hundred digits, it can only be a single digit.
At the same time, if it is X-YY*Z=N, Z needs 0 to be established. I have just tried and there is no 0, so there will be no; if XX*YZ=N, it cannot be established unless Y and X are both 1. Therefore, it is very likely that XX-Y*Z=N.
Then there are numbers. The maximum product on the right is 30, and the minimum is 3. The amount is a bit large, but it should be able to exhaust the product 30 (6*5). If the left is 31/33/34/35/36
If the product is 24 (6*4), the left side is 30
If the product is 18 (6*3), it is impossible to multiply the product by 6 (6*1), then the left side is 11
If the product is 20 (5*4), it is impossible to multiply the product by 15 (5*3), then the left side is 16
If the product is 5 (5*1), it is impossible to multiply the product by 12 (4*3), then the left side is 13/15/16
It is impossible to multiply 4(4*1) It is impossible to multiply 3(3*1)

In this case, the probability of guessing the product of 30 first is more likely, and the number of repetitions is the least. The two numbers on the left should first guess the non-repetitive 3/1/4. It is most suitable to guess 31 or 34. Leave 1 and guess [ 34-6*5=4]

...sure that 6*5 is good, but the answer may be 31/33/36/35. I don't want to try to get 6/6 four times, leave [66-55=11] and see AB knows which one is on the left. Although it gives up 3/6 of the 1/4 chance, but in exchange for 100%, it can stop work in 4/6, and the value of the stroke rate is higher.

Two (or more) 5, the answer is [35-6*5=5] .


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末日幽靈「藝術乃意志的表現」 在宅之前,首先是個人。 BTW,萌豚(蘿莉控)+左膠算是絕無僅有的稀世組合吧? 喜歡分析世事萬象,賣弄一下冷知識,比起傳媒記者更想做個述道者,講講故事、談談道理、推推知識。 Matters所有文章應該均開放免費閱讀,不用為了看文而付費。 對了,隨時接受邀稿。
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