Tiger Reading Can't Eat Children | Who Should Have Abortion Rights? My Body, My Choice

If (sex) education keeps up, at the same time helping more poor people, investing heavily in universal contraception and planned parenthood, society will move forward and the harm of abortion will be greatly reduced. Emphasizing women's body autonomy, without the need to interfere for others, is also a due progress in modern society. Therefore, I prefer a powerful statement like "My body, My Choice" that cuts to the subject!

I recently packed up my old books to sell and found a book by Hillary Rodham Clinton, a booklet of three short stories by Brazilian author Clarice Lispector. Just in time for a US Supreme Court ruling on abortion rights yesterday. The whole social media is caught in the disappointment of the United States --

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Are we really living in a retrograde era? Not necessarily. In the future, there may be people who want to create a surrounding that is related to the environment they were familiar with as a child? What is valuable is that it can accommodate so many different voices.

book cover

This old book was published in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was running for president of the United States. The book includes papers by different authors, and the content naturally includes several key points of debate during her campaign: abortion rights, teacher wages, fighting racial discrimination, fighting drugs, etc. Naturally, I opened a chapter on abortion rights, the author is Maureen Tkacik .

The author recounts how women who wanted to have one in a state that didn't allow abortion in 2016 went through the tortuous journey to Mexico to buy over-the-counter drugs. Tkacik said that she was never a fan of the Clinton family, but after her painful abortion with drugs, voting for Hillary became her "choice without a choice." In her dissertation, particularly personal, reminiscences of abortion, the three-hour wait for an abortion after taking the drug is described as "unspeakable and piercing" for the pain in a woman's body. And this kind of pain has to become "murder" in the mouth of anti-abortion advocates, and this lady has to become "murderer", which she cannot accept. It's not fair. At the end of the article, she also happily said that she has a four-month-old son, and she can write these words about "reproductive choice" because she believes in the word "choice" after all.

However, "choice" is not so simple. The first time I heard about the excruciating pain of abortion was from my mother. She had this experience before I was born. My mother never concealed her hatred from me, and if she were a true gardener, the hatred she planted in me could rival the Amazon rainforest. In China, I belong to the "only child" generation, so it is not difficult for any woman to have an abortion. However, in any case, the physical and psychological harm of abortion to women is huge, and even those women who choose to have an abortion will experience suffering and pain. The mother made no secret of her hatred for her mother, because her mother asked her to do the abortion. The reason is, "You don't have the money to support your child, why are you born so early?" That's the sentence. As an adult, my mother had an abortion.

In discussions in the United States, many people say that it is up to women to decide whether to have children or not. A man does not have a womb, and if he does not conceive in October, he should leave the decision to a woman. However, to a woman? I always think of my mother's example. She is a woman, and her mother is also a woman. Why do women make trouble for women? Even if the right to speak is in the hands of women, how many of these women would, like my mother's mother, decide to have an abortion for her daughter without empathy and easily, and decide that the child conceived in her daughter's womb should be removed from the earth? Erase on. No wonder my mother hates her mother. Generational pain!

The right to abortion should be in the hands of pregnant women. Of course, that doesn't rule out my mother's situation, or the situation of other women who are exposed to domestic violence and do not have free choice, but the systematic rejection of the right to abortion speaks volumes about a system's stance on the issue of abortion rights...  

If there is a medical reason for an abortion, then the life of the pregnant woman should be considered and the priority should be to save her.

Born as a woman, because of the physical structure, it will be more or less connected with motherhood, and it is not a last resort and will not choose an abortion that hurts your body. I once had a friend who had been married for many years and still remembered the experience of abortion. He felt heartbroken and blamed himself. He attributed the disability of the first child born due to a medical accident to the retribution of the abortion. If I could go back in time, I'd still tell her that it wasn't your fault and it wasn't retribution.

If (sex) education keeps up, at the same time helping more poor people, investing heavily in universal contraception and planned parenthood , society will move forward and the harm of abortion will be greatly reduced. Emphasizing women's body autonomy, without the need to interfere for others, is also a due progress in modern society. Therefore, I prefer a powerful statement like "My body, My Choice" that cuts to the subject!

Why do you say powerful? Go back to the mother example from earlier. As a woman of childbearing age, she gave her mother the power to make decisions about her body. However, not all mothers are able to love their children. There are really mothers in the world who don't love their children. They are everywhere. They just don't know how to love. If they have never seen love, how can they give love?

The three women in Clarice's three short stories all live in the shadow of their mothers like this -

 No, you couldn't say she loved her mother. Her mother pained her, that was all.

I like the description of Clarice. It seems to have been taken with a single stroke, but there is a problem with a subtle point.

 Without her mother's company, she had regained her firm stride: it was easier alone.

Without my mother by my side, I can walk in great strides. The shadow of the mother is invisible and lingering.

 And things had worked out in such a way that painful love seemed like happiness to her --

Over time, girls who grow up in such families will regard hurt as love and happiness. Over time, they no longer have the ability to make their own decisions, and control is again in the hands of their mothers. I hope one day, all women in the world can be 👇🏻

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