Recommended Movie Series|Classic Movie "The Last Samurai"

 Movie name: The Last Samurai
Film length: 2 hours 34 minutes Release time: 2003 Film synopsis: The story is set in the 1870s, during the Meiji Restoration in Japan. interact and have different ideas.

This movie, which has been released for almost 20 years, has recently been revisited again, and the feeling after watching it is very different from the key experience of watching it when I was a middle school student. I have a clear feeling of my growth and changes. From watching violence to experiencing the helplessness of changing times.

The Wimpy Kid's Movie Aftermath

When this movie was just released, I went to the cinema to watch the epic blockbuster with the starring Tom Tom and the recommendation of many film profiles. However, I still remember that at that time I felt that the literary drama was too long and the whole rhythm was too slow, which was completely different from the whole process of "Fate of the Dead 2: Rising Wind".

After all, before entering the movie theater, I expected to see a hegemonic strategy movie in which samurai defeated modern weapons through possible tactics and so on. However, it was actually a very realistic situation, that is, cold weapons could not beat hot weapons, so I was slightly disappointed in the evaluation of this movie at the time.

After almost 20 years, social people's movie review

Recently, I revisited this movie again. Although it was not in the cinema but in my own home, the focus of attention to this movie was completely different. After watching it, I had the following realizations:

  1. In the evolution of the times, it is necessary to learn to discard the essentials instead of denying them altogether: in the plot, for the Meiji Restoration, the emperor almost completely denied the original Bushido in his country, and even finally relied on death advice to finally be willing to pick it up again. This reminds me of the German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche who once said that the human spirit has three realms, the camel, the lion and the child. But if applied in this movie, the traditional guardians of the Japanese samurai who are unwilling to accept muskets are camels, and the Emperor Meiji transformed from camels into lions, choosing to accept Westernization and rejecting the past of his own country. The samurai's death remonstrance became infants, knowing the traditions their country needed to preserve and accept the changes. The Bushido spirit also contributed to the rapid rise of Japan after the Meiji Restoration, and even had an impact on companies.
  2. What you think is absurd behavior may be the belief that the other party adheres to: there is a very obvious culture shock in the play, that is, Tom is completely unable to understand why someone would be willing to cut his abdomen rather than save his life . However, in reality, we do not insist on reasons that are not understood many times. Therefore, instead of directly criticizing the other party's behavior with our own understanding, it is better to try to think about the other party's insistence and reasons, and then find a reasonable communication. direction.

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