How should we fight

It is difficult for me to look forward to a certain moment, and it is also difficult to say that I have high expectations. No matter how many sacrifices there are in the middle, let alone Gu Yongzan who may be let down, but change will always bring deeper disasters to the people at the bottom of society rather than those in power. And is there really any chance of real change in our civil society?

In November, the streets of Washington DC are covered with large pieces of crispy golden fallen leaves. This is a quiet and peaceful town. Runners passed by me, elderly couples carrying food baskets and helping each other to walk back passed me, and little girls with bows tied in their hair bounced past me.

It's just an ordinary sight, but the calmness in their eyes and the firm control over life made me sting a little. The other side of the ocean, which is weakly linked by the mutual understanding network, the space that contains all the memories of my life, and the people there are suffering at the moment.

The endless blockade, the deprivation of "freedom to go out", the fear of being threatened by Dabai's knock on the door, the need to be quarantined at any time, and worrying about whether there will be a car accident, and even people who cannot escape are sealed off in the burning house. .. So many people who cannot be sent to the doctor in time, cannot eat, cannot guarantee a basic income, and are desperate or even life-threatening. This blood debt, no one can figure it out. The evil committed by the authoritarian regime, the evil committed by the mediocre evil, the evil committed by ignorance and stupidity, this time is the price of life.

People who had always pretended to be asleep began to wake up slowly, and the calm public layer began to ripple after one stone was thrown down. Ripples push another layer of ripples, duckweed drags another piece of duckweed. The roar of awakening began to echo in the depths of the valley. One after another, posters began to be posted on campus one after another, and demonstrations for their own rights and space for activities broke out in the streets and alleys.

Seeing so many brave figures start to appear on the screen, I feel like a lifetime away. This is not the China I left when it was only three months ago. There is an undercurrent, like a storm about to come, like fermented air, like a beast that has been trapped in a cage for too long, impatiently ambush at the edge of the exit.

It is difficult for me to look forward to a certain moment, and it is also difficult to say that I have high expectations. No matter how many sacrifices there are in the middle, let alone Gu Yongzan who may be let down, but change will always bring deeper disasters to the people at the bottom of society rather than those in power. And is there really any chance of real change in our civil society?

But what really scares me is that this kind of struggle, because there is no record and no appeal higher than itself, will be wiped out of existence as before, and become a scar that cannot be mentioned.

What kind of attitude should we take to fight? Who should we talk to?

The people around me walked forward vigorously. At this moment, the small town of Pingheren is so strange. I felt a great alienation. I have no bond with this land, like a piece of duckweed. Although I enjoy the privilege of fleeing physically, all the emotional memories of the past still make me bear the weight of the land I once fled with all my strength.


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