The Midnight Gospel Miscellaneous

Religion is in decline, meditation is in place. This is a complete disenchantment and tribute in contemporary streaming dramas.

The things of the body and mind are suspicious if too thick, and dispensable if they are too light.

I am a bit utilitarian about the voice and graphic content of my body and mind, and it is probably the trend of community operations, which makes me have to be wary. Sometimes, chicken soup will be useful, and occultism or luck will clear some levels.

The ones I pay more consistently are usually yoga with a "body" component, or activities that combine the "natural environment". Pure text or images, podcasts or picture books, etc., did not leave a deep impression in my mind.

Until The Midnight Gospel on Netflix . This short drama has been on the air for a long time. It took me half a year to finish watching it. The average is one episode per month. In fact, one episode is only half an hour. I accidentally watched some episodes twice.

In this way, the balance of smoking is neither psychedelic, dizzy, nor preachy and critical, just comfortable.

When it is too thick, it will be destroyed and ridiculed. It seems that it has accurately calculated the nodes of sensory cognition, so that the doubts can be suppressed well, and the essence of religious/meditation activities has been subtly subtly and operated in a very secular process.

A touch of divine afterglow in the secular riots, the sacred symbols are accepted by the audience because of their loneliness - we interview people, answer questions, cut to the music, talk endlessly, eager to interpret, to prove that we are our own will, speech, language .

This drama has a high degree of condensed, shuttle, and cross-examination. It is my favorite type of aesthetics. It is properly harmonized with animation and visuals. The timing of the sound effects and melody is just right.

It's messy enough, the dog is cute, and the mess is natural. By the time I realize what the sugar coating is, I'm already preparing for death, crying because of sadness, and cheerful because of relief. How can you not taunt, lightly taunting is the purifier of the drama.

Religion is in decline, meditation is in place. This is a contemporary and consummate disenchantment and tribute.


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