[DSM Airdrop] Desmos Profile description and creation steps

Desmos profile is a personal ID card for entering the Desmos network. The text description and demonstration screenshots of this article are all quoted from the official Medium original text. Only after chewing and translating the konjac, the description and operation teaching that Muggles can understand is not a word-for-word translation.


  • @Forbole is a company with many different blockchain validator projects, the Big Dipper browser that can view blockchain dynamics including LikeCoin Chain is also their product
  • @Desmos is a new open network platform project that Forbole is about to launch, and the DSM tokens of the new platform will be airdropped
  • @Terence is the co-founder of Forbole

The above three all have Matters accounts, and those who are interested can follow them

Description of the airdrop event, there are two waves in total, please pay attention to the date!

  • Desmos Network "official" airdrop, starting on 11/25:

11/25 Update: You can claim or create a profile on the website written by Dashen, and link to the Keplr wallet to receive the airdrop <br class="smart">Please delete the Desmos (test) in the Beta support area and reconnect to Desmos

Desmos Network | DSM Airdrop Gives Back to the Cross-Chain Community - Full Text @Daisy
【Learn what today #03】Desmos airdrop is coming

This part is waiting for the official announcement of the detailed measures. Personal irresponsible guesses. We should be closely discussing the solution that is the least likely to be exploited.

  • Forbole co-founder Terence "private" airdrop, until 11/24:

[Revision 2.0] DSM airdrop in Terence's name @Terence

Before the publication of this article, the community shared many tasks such as community account tracking and labeling in the article.
It is speculated that there may be abuse, and it is currently suspended!

Instead, fill in the google form to link IG and twitter accounts

The detailed steps are described above, which requires the establishment of the Desmos Profile official teaching Medium
And complete the delegation of two validators, these two steps require a small amount of DSM
You can go to the Discord community to ask the seniors for a small amount of shaking,
Please make sure to speak on this channel 💰-airdrop-ask-dsm ,
No one will pay attention to you when you speak in other discussion areas, and sometimes you will be scolded...QQ

I write "Need some DSM for creating profile. Many thanks!",
Wait for a while, usually the gods will give an emoji or a short reply to your message,
After confirming that the Forbole X wallet has been credited, you can start the first task: create a profile (profile)
After completing all the tasks, go back to the channel to thank others (my own moral cleanliness)

As for the citizens who have successfully received private airdrops before this article was published,
You can clap your hands directly for this article and wait for the official airdrop XD

Borderers (the fringe of the fringe) feel relieved
The Twitter account needs to be followed by 20 people. In the Twitter desert of Taiwan, who is going to be killed (can't help but make a noise)

What is a Desmos profile?

The ultimate goal of Desmos is to become a development platform for a "decentralized social network". In such a new type of social network, every user,
Both need a "decentralized digital identity" to represent your PoW and PoS [*note]

 PoW: Proof of Work
PoS: Proof of Stake
It is a different mechanism for blockchain miners to get rewards. For details, you can search for popular science articles, which is not the focus of this article.

You can create a profile with your Desmos account (including nickname, personal display picture, personal homepage map and introduction)
As long as the ownership of the Desmos account can be proved
profile can be connected to other blockchains and social networks in the Desmos network in a completely decentralized and anonymous (or pseudonymous) way

As long as you have a Desmos profile, you do not need to provide sensitive personal information,
you have both a digital and a social identity,
Whether you are a validator or a general user,
You can easily play cross-chain!

——Dream is the most beautiful, and hope follows the dividing line——

Create a "profile" personal ID for the Desmos network

There are three application methods:

-1- Use Forbole X wallet (recommended for those who already have this wallet installed)
You need to prepare a Forbole X wallet: Desmos Network | Forbole X wallet details @Daisy

-2- Use the CLI terminal interface (suitable for people who don't have coding hands that hurt)

-3- Link your Keplr wallet via the Go-find.me website (Muggle recommended!)
This web interface is made by the validator GStake (my first DSM was called by this great god)

Get one of the application tools ready and get started!

-1- Use Forbole X wallet (recommended for those who already have this wallet installed)

The web version or the extension kit can be directly operated by taking screenshots as the web version. Press the wallet label extension kit and click the account name and wallet address block to enter the wallet page.

Set the information of each field, click Next

Follow the instructions to confirm the information in each field and press Sign. Okay, congratulations, Mrs. Hershey, you have a Desmos Profile.

You can go to Discord and ask the great god to send coins and continue to complete the task

-2- Use CLI (Command Line Interface) terminal interface

Use the command in your CLI

 desmos tx profiles save

Validator Catboss wrote a great web page

After filling out the fields, you can copy the content of tx and publish it. The digital ID card can also be encoded.

-3- through   Go-find.me link to your Keplr wallet (Muggle recommended!)

After linking to the Keplr wallet, follow the instructions on the webpage and you are done without knowing it!
If you haven't installed the K-spray wallet, install it!

Here, congratulations on your first step into the Desmos universe, I'm tired of writing this... (Sea Otter clapped his hands boredly)

Regarding delegation, it is the same concept as LikeCoin's delegation of validators. The task to be delegated to two validators of my choice is:
. old cat
. kin Gao Reconstruction An organization promoting decentralized publishing #decentralizehk
You can find them in the list of wallet delegation page

I'm currently filling out the google form and still waiting for the private airdrop notification

Further reading

Desmos Network | Vote for Desmos Network proposals at Forbole X @Daisy

How to choose a validator? @Daisy

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